Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Danger Zone by Debra Webb

Harlequin Nascar

Genre: Romance

Jenna Williams loved Buck Buchanan with all her heart, but she knew he loved his NASCAR team the Rocket City Racers even more. His team members hated her and she never felt comfortable in the world of NASCAR, so she walked out on him. What he didn’t know was that she walked out pregnant with his child. Twelve years later that daughter was in big trouble. Jenna had no choice but to plead with her ex-lover for help, but would she have to tell him the secret about their love child?

Buck Buchanan never got over losing Jenna and never quite understood her reasons for leaving him, but when she turns up on his doorstep twelve years later, he can do nothing but help her any way that he can. When her daughter is kidnapped and the ransom note asks for a million dollars, he’s the only one Jenna knows with that kind of money. Buck doesn’t hesitate to get it, but he soon starts to wonder…could Jenna’s daughter be his too?

This was a fast-paced read and an enjoyable romance. There were a couple of times I wanted to choke the heroine and screamed “Tell him already!”, but that just added to the fun of the romance and led us to a very sweet ending. I’m not a NASCAR fan, but I did enjoy the couple of books I read and this is one of them. Very well written, good concise plot and very well-developed characters. The good guys were likeable and the bad guys were oh so bad! I have a few Debra Webb books in my TBR – mainly Harlequin Intrigues, and I will definitely be reading more of her books and more in the NASCAR series, as well.


  1. You weren't kidding when you said you had a lot of these books. :)

    Great review!

  2. LOL! I'm a Harlequin/Silhouette junkie - I have a ton of them. Next year I'll start the challenge earlier and read more than 5 :)


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