Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tuesday Thingers

Today's question: Favorite bookstores. What's your favorite bookstore? Is it an online store or a bricks-and-mortar store? How often do you go book shopping? Is your favorite bookstore (or bookstores) listed as a favorite in LT? Do you attend events at local bookstores? Do you use LT to find events?

I'm lucky enough to work right across the street from Borders, Waldens and a brand new Barnes & Nobles. So, you can imagine where I spend my lunch hour everyday :) I alternate between them all. I mainly use Borders and Waldens so I can use my Borders card and the coupons they send me. B&N is amazing though. It has two floors and I can get lost in there for hours.

Sometimes I will go online and use Borders online or PSB or Bookmooch. It depends on what I'm looking for. I sometimes have a hard time of finding cozy mysteries in the bookstores here, so I get them online. It depends.

I don't belong to LT, so I don't use that at all.


  1. OMG! How do you manage NOT popping from euphoria everytime you go to work! or lunch... or home... How do you manage to actually GO home?

  2. I like B&N better than Borders. Especially with all the discounts given to Readers Advantage members plus the great coupons. If I play my cards right I can get hardcovers for incredibly cheap. Sometimes more than half off. Hardcovers are 20% with the card. Hardcover bestsellers end up being 40%.

  3. Oh wow! That is way cool! You can get the scoop on all the in store sales daily.

  4. Sometimes I think of transferring to another position in my agency that will take me closer to a bookstore. :-) It's probably better though that I don't have that kind of temptation so close at hand. I don't always have the best impulse control when it comes to book buying.

  5. Wow. That is all I can say. I don't think I would ever be able to afford anything else if I worked across the street from 3 bookstores - it's bad enough when I have to drive to get there. =)

  6. Three major bookstores right across the street? OK, nobody should be that lucky! I am so envious! Of course, for me that would probably mean bankruptcy and the end of my marriage, so maybe I'm better off just dreaming about such riches.

  7. Wow across from three bookstores?? That's crazy! I'd definitely run out of money lol.

  8. Yes, I work right across from three bookstores, but I'm telling you - it's dangerous!!! I went to all three at lunch today and came out with the entire Laurien Berenson cozy series. I never meant to get them, but they were there and staring at me. What's a girl to do? LOL


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