Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Salon - It's 2009!

Happy 2009 Everyone!

Now that the holidays are over and 2009 is underway, I can concentrate on my 2009 reading challenges. I've been looking forward to this for weeks. I started with a book for the What an Animal Challenge (although this started last July, I didn't start until recently). This one ends on June 30th, so I need to read more of these before others. Besides, the book I started with Doggone by Gabriella Herkert is also for my Shelfari January book discussion. It's off to a slow start, but it's beginning to pick up.

I also finished reading Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips for my final 2008 review. That was a great book. Lots of fun! I've decided to be very choosy about the books I accept for review now. Mainly because I want to devote my reading time towards my challenges. I've gathered all my challenge books together and have them all easily accessible to just pick one out when I'm up to the next book. It's kind of like having a mini-TBR amongst my TBR mountain. LOL Hopefully, this will keep me focused on reading what I already have in my TBR - most of these books have been there for years and deserve to be read.

Tomorrow it's back to work with no more off days in sight. I'm sad about that, of course, but life gets back to normal.

Good luck to all of you participating in various challenges and getting your reading goals accomplished this year!


  1. Don't feel badly about starting the What An Animal challenge too!

    Have a great Sunday!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  3. I've heard such good things about God Behaving Badly.
    Good luck with your reading challenges.

  4. I have one more day of vacation and then it's back to work for me too. I wish I could have taken an extra week off, but then I imagine I would have wished for another week and another week . . . I do like my job, but I enjoy my time off more. :-)

    I haven't quite stayed on track this year as I might have liked so far, but then, it's still early.

    You've got a great set of goals for the new year, Yvonne. Like you, I'm going to be more choosy about the books I agree to review. I actually started that rule a few months ago, but it's good to state it again now and then so I don't forget.

    I hope you have a good week!

  5. I understand what you mean about the challenges. That's why I made my own and my challenge was all about setting limits for myself so that I learn to love reading again!

    Best to you!


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