Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Booking Through Thursday

This week's question...

How about, “What’s the worst ‘best’ book you’ve ever read — the one everyone says is so great, but you can’t figure out why?”

My Answer:

For me, I'd have to say Diana Gabaladon's Outlander. I heard so many great things about it, but when I tried to read it, I just couldn't finish it. Maybe it was my mood at the time I read it. It's been a few years since I tried, but maybe I'd feel differently if I tried today. However, I have so many books in my TBR, I'd rather go onto the next book.

We all have different reading tastes, so just because one person thinks a book is great, doesn't mean another person will. It doesn't mean a book is good or bad, just that it appeals to different people. That's why they publish so many different genres - something for all of us :)


  1. Really? I do hear good things about Gabaldon, but I haven't read anything yet. I guess now I wont go in with high expectations, and if I then love it the better :)

  2. One of my friends absolutely loves that series but she has yet to convince me to read it. Maybe now I won't even bother. For me the worst book was Blonde Roots! How that was billed as so original is beyond me. It doesn't take much imagination to change black to blak and white to whyte and turn the map upside down. You're so right, Yvonne, good thing there are so many genres.

  3. No one has convinced me to read this series yet, either. Not a genre that interests me.

  4. I've not heard of 'Outlander.' But I agree with you that trying again sometimes leaves you with a totally different impression of a book.

  5. You're the first person I've ever seen who hasn't loved this book! I'm planning to read it next month, and am really hoping that I love it. As you say it's good that we don't all like the same thing.

  6. Oh no! Outlander is in my TBR pile. Maybe I'll just give it a try... see how it goes.

  7. Hey... I wouldn't put of "Twilight" just yet... at least TRY the first book. ;) If you don't like that one, don't continue with the rest.

    I'm not a big fan of fiction about "vampires", so I didn't think this would be a book/series I liked, either. But, friends convinced me that it was more about the love story between Bella and Edward than about vampires, anyway. So, I gave it a shot.
    And, I finished book one in a day! LOL. :P I loved the book so much, that I went on to read them all within 2 months! :)

    I'm of the mind that I have to form my own opinion on things... 'cause everyone's tastes are different. Just because a hundred people don't like something, doesn't mean I won't like it. ;)

    Just my two cents. ;P

  8. Outlander has never appealed to me, so will be steering clear now!

  9. I hear rave about her books all the time, but I've never read them. I agree with you that there are books for every different taste. Yay!

  10. Outlander is my fav book ever! I am one of those people who are always telling others about the series.

  11. I've read so much about Outlander but was reluctant to start it, although when I did I loved it and it's one of my favorites, although I had some reservations about it.. I am planning on finishing the series but to me I have to be in the mood, and I'm not usually in the mood for romance.. I usually love crime/mystery or vampires *yum* :)
    But different genres were invented so everyone will find what they like and I believe in reading what you enjoy.. well unless you need to read it for work or study ;)

  12. Haven't read anything from that author.

  13. The Outlander series is on my TBR list, but I'm not in the mood for it yet.

  14. I am one who loves the Outlander series and recommends it all the time.

  15. The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen. There is no there there.

  16. For those who haven't read Outlander yet, don't let me stop you. You may love it! I'm one of the very few who didn't.

    As for Twilight, I will eventually get to it but I'm in no rush. I have so many books sitting here calling my name :)

  17. I haven't read any of the books in the outlander series. I did like Twilight and saw the movie a couple of days ago. I loved that too. I hope you have a great week!

  18. Ive heard so many good things about this book. Sorry you didnt like it.


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