Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Musings

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about recording your reading…

Do you keep track of what and/or how many books you read? How long have you been doing this? What's your favorite tracking method, and why?If you don't keep track, why not? (question courtesy of MizB)

Yes, I definitely keep track. I have a database I made up years ago in Excel. It has all my books - title, author, year released, my personal rating, and whether or not I've read it yet. It's great because it stops me from buying duplicates. With the 1000's of books I have, I can't rely on my memory to remember important things like that. LOL

I also have an old fashioned notebook where I write down books as I read them. Eventually I input the info into the database, but the notebook is a handy reference for me to write down what I've read and whether or not I like it. Despite the computerized world we live in, I guess I also like to have something I actually write, too. I don't keep my TBR listed like this though. The notebook is only for those books I've read.

I think I've done this ever since I went online in the early 90's and discovered various online reading groups which made my TBR soar (hey, I have to blame somebody!)

This is a fun question. If you'd like to participate, just click on the logo above. I'm looking forward to reading everyone's answers for this one.

MySpace Comments and Monday Comments


  1. I have a book with all the books I have bought and yet to read written in. This stops me buying ones I already have. I have an Excel list of the ones I read. I also have a TBR book, where I write down all the books I like the sound of that are recommended by other book bloggers.

  2. Love the Garfield comic ... too accurate a depiction of Mondays. I wish I'd started recording my books read as early as you did!

  3. I like using Excel too. Keeps things organized and I can always go back and add info if I need to.

  4. I'm not nearly as organized as some people seem to be, but it works for me.

  5. The best part of keeping computerized lists is that you can alphabetize them after each new entry. With my old method of keeping notebooks, it just wasn't working. I spend too much time reading or now as the case may be, blogging. I could be doing something really productive. But, hey, where's the fun in that?

  6. I do well on keeping track of the books I've read, but not on the books I own.

  7. Love your new template Yvonne :)

    I really wish I kept track of all the books I read through the years but I only started when I joined Shelfari in Dec 2007.. and have been tracking my reads since :)


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