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There are certain types of books that I more or less assume all readers read. (Novels, for example.)
But then there are books that only YOU read. Instructional manuals for fly-fishing. How-to books for spinning yarn. How to cook the perfect souffle. Rebuilding car engines in three easy steps. Dog training for dummies. Rewiring your house without electrocuting yourself. Tips on how to build a NASCAR course in your backyard. Stuff like that.
What niche books do YOU read?
My answer:
My first thought was I don't read these type of books. I don't have any "how to" books, but I read alot of cat type books. Would that qualify? Books like...

Those are the only ones that I can think of. I basically just read fiction.
I thought I didn't read niche books too, but I did recall a couple eventually.
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Booking through niche
From your cat pictures, we should have been able to guess that you liked cat books, shouldn't we!
ReplyDeleteCats are a definite niche - at least my two cats would agree!
ReplyDeletevioletcrush - It was hard to think of niche books at first, but reading everyone's answers is fun.
ReplyDeleteGautami tripathy - Thanks :)
Scarp girl - LOL - Yes, I guess I made my love of cats obvious :)
Shari - I have two cats too and they are both in agreement :)
Cute! Here are mine: (1) and (2)
ReplyDeleteLol, great answer :)
ReplyDeleteI haven't BTT in ages, and...wouldn't have known what to say either
I'm so enjoying looking at all the responses to this question, though I admit I also had a bit of trouble coming up with things to include in my post.
ReplyDeleteI would have never guessed! LOL. I like the ones with pictures of cats and their owners.
ReplyDeleteI had to stop and pause. Do I fit in this niche? Not really. I should though. I bet these books are fun. I love the title "My Cat's Not Fan, He's Just Big-Boned".
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love the titles of those two books! LOL! I think cats are so funny to watch.
ReplyDeleteYes! Cat books count! I read a lot of those, too, but a lot of mine are "kitty memoirs" :) I am a cat lover too...have 3 of my own.
ReplyDeleteMost cats I've met are just not that into anyone.
ReplyDeleteI read all the cats books my library had when we adopted three kittens in 2003. I'd never had pets before, so I wanted to make sure I understood them, raised them to be happy and well adjusted.