Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, June 1, 2009

Musing Mondays - June 1st

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Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about sticking with it…

How much time (or how many pages) do you give a book that you aren't really enjoying before you'll set it aside? If you're reading it for a book group discussion, or for review, will you give it more of a chance then, say, a book you're reading for your own interest? Why, or why not? (courtesy of MizB)

Well, let me start with, I almost always finish everything I start. I think I've only quit on a couple of books and those I put to the side to try and read at another time (I'm still waiting for that time to come.) I know life is too short and I shouldn't waste it on books I don't like (not to mention that I have 1000's in my TBR that I could be reading instead), but for some reason I just have this need to complete what I start.

I am going to try and be better - stop after maybe 50 pages if I really don't like a book, but not if it's a book for a review or book discussion. Those I feel obligated to finish.

What about you? What do you do?

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  1. Find it hard to give a definitive page number. Some books start off promisingly, but then deteriorate into nothingness. Other books start slow, but pick up pace once the author sets the scene.

    I try to finish as many books as I can. There are some that are beyond me, and those I hide away, or pretend that they don't exist. It's a horrible feeling, when you shelf a book, and it judges you silently, from its corner.

  2. I look forward to your pictures as well as your posts! Some books I have to set aside for another time but do have a 50 page rule.


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