Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, June 8, 2009

Musing Mondays - June 8th

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about reading time…

Do you have a set reading time (before bed, perhaps)? Do you read more at night or during the day? Is there a day of the week, perhaps, that you set aside to catch up on reading?

My Answer...

I don't really set a specific time for's more like, I read when I can. Usually, it's in the evenings since I work during the day full time. I try to spend an hour before I go to sleep reading. On the weekends, I can read early in the mornings and then, depending on what's going on, I can read more during the day.

What I'd really like to do is read during my lunch hour. Our company doesn't have a place where I can just sit and read for the hour. I'd have to go somewhere in my car, which isn't out of the question but, - the problem - I work right across the street from two major book chain stores. So, if I get in my car, you know where I'm heading - to add more books to my TBR, not reading what I have. I do bring whatever I'm currently reading with me so I do have the choice to read at lunch, it just never works out that way.

My ideal situation - quit work so I can stay at home and read full time. Does that really sound so terrible? Well, I don't think so but my husband doesn't seem to agree.

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  1. Hi..we posted almost similar answers.. My problem with reading during lunch break is that people can come up to me anytime. I usually stop reading when that happens..

  2. Lovely to meet you! :)

    Here's mine.

    I'm an anytime anyplace kind of gal, too. :)

    Happy reading!


  3. Reading fulltime sounds like heaven, unfortunately the evenings are usually my best/only time.

  4. I usually read over my lunch hour and a few minutes in the evening. I also try to walk to work so that gives me some audiobook time.

  5. Your solution is perfect-just quit work and read all the time. That would be the life!

    I always have a book with me so I pick it up whenever I can. Mostly though I read in the evenings when it's quiet and things are all settled down and my dog has finally fallen asleep instead of driving me crazy. lol.

  6. My youngest is 17, my husband tells me should get a job and I tell him then I would have no time to read! LOL

  7. Gautami tripathy - Right, whenever I can fit it in, I'm happy to read :)

    Judy - That would annoy me if people interrupted me. If I stayed in my office and read, I know that would happen to me too.

    Sassy Brit - Very nice to meet you!

    Zetor - Basically it's the same for me too.

    Melissa - I forgot about the audio books. I listen to them everyday on my way to and from work - so that's an hour of reading time.

    Dar - Wouldn't it be great? I think it's the perfect solution. I, took, always have a book with me.

    Nise' - I agree with you! A job would get in the way!

  8. No, I don't think you're asking for too much at all. Sounds perfect to me! I would like to spend most of day reading too.

    Like you, I spend my lunch hour reading. Now that the weather is warmer, I read outside. I usually go the the library and will browse the shelves for a few minutes. There's a park next to the library that I go to and read.

  9. Shon - I wish we had a park near I work. I'd love to be able to read at lunch time there.

  10. Thank you, Yvonne!

    I'm enjoying these book memes. They are such fun. It's great to meet all these like-minded bookaholics.


  11. I agree - they are fun and I love reading everyone's answers.

  12. I think that's a wonderful solution! Tell your husband that the bloggers all agree with you, lol

  13. I wouldn't mind quitting my job to spend more time reading either. If only we didn't have bills to pay, eh?

    I sometimes am able to find a quiet spot during my half hour lunch break. Mostly though I find time to read before bedtime and on the weekends. There never seems to be enough though, does there?


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