Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Multiple Choice by Claire Cook

Genre: Chick Lit

March Monroe sacrificed her own desires for a career to raise her family. Now that the children are grown, March’s husband Jeff encourages her to go back to school and get her degree. March is delighted and takes him up on the offer. One person she doesn’t tell is her college-aged daughter, Olivia. She fears her daughter would not be happy to find her mother sharing the same classes she is taking.

As part of the curriculum, March has to do an internship. To her shock, she finds herself interning at a radio station with Olivia. Needless to say, Olivia is beyond shocked, not to mention very angry. They are further thrown together when they are asked to host their own radio call-in show “I’m Rubber, You’re Glue”. The mother and daughter team are in a constant battle with each other.

I enjoyed Claire Cook’s Summer Blowout, but I was a bit disappointed in this one. This was an audio version of the book and I couldn’t drum up any sympathy for any of the characters. Olivia was an obnoxious, mean-spirited girl who quickly grated on my every nerve. March had great qualities, but she allowed herself to be everyone’s doormat – her family and even one of her clients takes horrible advantage of her. This story had so much potential but really fell flat for me. It won’t stop me from reading books by this author, though. Since I enjoyed Summer Blowout so much, I figure this one just wasn’t my cup of tea.


  1. I read this one a while back. I mostly remember being mildly annoyed :-).

    Good review!

  2. Hm, not sure about this one. Might just not be the chick-lit for me.

  3. What a shame it wasn't as good as you thought it would be. It is a shame because the idea of the story is very good.

  4. Blodeuedd - I'm wondering if it is one of those books that is better in print version and not audio. I don't have the desire to read the print version though.

    Scrap girl - That's what I thought. The idea is a really good one, maybe if the characters didn't seem so whiny to me.


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