Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, August 10, 2009

Musing Mondays - Publishing Houses

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about publishing houses …

Do you have a favorite publishing house -- one that puts out books that you constantly find yourself wanting to read? If so, who? And, what books have they published that you've loved? (question courtesy of MizB)

I don't know if I a favorite publishing house, but I do love the Berkley mysteries and Harlequin books. I don't really have a favorite book that I love from either publisher, since I've read so many of their books.

I can't say that I consciously go out and look for books published by a specific house. Sometimes it just happens.

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  1. I quite agree. I don't know anybody who pays any real attention to publishers when choosing a book. Here's my response.

  2. I think we all one pays attention to the publisher! lol

  3. Poor publishers...none of us really care about them. LOL

  4. Yeah, I dont pay much attention to the publisher either.
    cute cat!!


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