Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, November 9, 2009

Musing Mondays - Your Bookshelf

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your bookshelf…

Does your house have a communal bookshelf? If not, is your bookshelf centrally located so everyone has access to it?

It's just me and my husband at home...he's not a reader. I'm the only reader and it's not a's a book room. LOL I didn't mean to but somehow my books just kept multiplying all by themselves :) I have those Rubbermaid tubs filled with books (they are also in my den). There are some older books that I've actually already read and just never got rid of in the basement. Overall, my books are overtaking the house, but that doesn't seem to stop me from adding to my collection.

What's your bookshelf like?

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  1. This is a great Monday Musing.... my house too is being overrun with books. There used to be four of us in the house (my daughter moved out this summer) and all of us read.

    No one reads as much as I do but I try to keep their books all together - my daughter had her own bookcase in her bedroom.

    I think the only rooms that don't have books is the attic (too hot), bathrooms (steamy) and the kitchen (no room, not even for cookbooks). I've even got books running up the stairs!

  2. You can always find somewhere to squeeze another book. Love that picture! LOL.

  3. We have book shelves upstairs in our hall, but they are only for me. My hubby has a habit of pushing my books in on the shelf and making them messy, so that I have reorganise them. I now need two more book shelves as I have completely filled mine up.

  4. I am sure there are books tucked away in places I've forgotten about! But it does not stop me from bringing home more of them.

  5. yes, done that up the stairs thing at times too. and tried that "You can always find somewhere to squeeze another book" line. which explains those books on the stairs...

  6. It all sounds so book laden fantastic! :) Love it! A book ROOM!


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