Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Booking through Thursday - Olympics

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This week's question...

You may have noticed–the Winter Olympics are going on. Is that affecting your reading time? Have you read any Olympics-themed books? What do you think about the Olympics in general? Here’s your chance to discuss!

My answer...

This is an easy one for me. I'm not really interested in the the Olympics and I don't watch it at all, so nothing has changed for me as far as my reading time goes. The only sport I watch is that effects my reading time. I watch every Yankee game and that limits my reading time, but that won't be happening for a month or so.

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  1. I LOVE Yankee baseball! In fact, the only Royals games we care to go see are when they play the Yankees.

  2. That's funny - as a bookey person myself, I too have only one sport I would watch - tennis. But I don't have a tv to watch it on. solves that problem!

  3. I'm not watching yet, not to big a fan of what's on now!

    I have an award for you HERE

  4. And baseball is on all the time! Your reading must creak to a standstill in the summer months!


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