Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Booking through Thursday - Annual Review

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This week's question...

What’s the best book you read this year?



My answer...

I really wasn't planning to go through my books until the weekend, but at a quick glance, here are my choices (I'll have a more in depth post over the weekend...

Best and Favorite Book - I'm going to say Red Mist by Richard Taylor. You can check out my review here. I think it's because I loved the 60's era and this takes place then and involves two people I've always been fascinated by - JFK and Marilyn Monroe. This book was just so different in taking a real life occurrence and putting a fictional spin to it.

Worst Book - I can't say it's the "worst" book because some people might have liked it, but I'll say it's my least favorite - Mr. and Miss Anonymous by Fern Michaels. You can check out my review here. My reason for this is that the hero and heroine annoyed me to no end. LOL It seemed to me that they whined about their situation constantly. A situation which was of their own making.

I'll do a year end wrap up some time over the weekend.

What were your favorites this year?


  1. I'll have to look for the book "Red Mist" I think I would enjoy it also.

    I almost chose Fern Michaels book, "The Scoop" as the worst book, and then changed my mind and chose another book that bored me to tears, so to speak.

  2. I found it difficult to choose best of the best. Worst of the worst was easier. My Booking Through Thursday.

  3. Still working on my list ;) it is a work in progress

  4. I had to think for a few minutes whether the best was also my favorite. It wasn't!

  5. Best: The Trophy Bride's Tale by Cyrilla Barr

    Worst: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

    Favorite: Everyone Loves Elwood by Karen Quigley


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