Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cruisin' thru the Cozies Reading Challenge 2011

I know I wasn't going to host another reading challenge, but I couldn't help myself :) I love cozy mysteries and I want to read more of them this year. To find out exactly what a cozy mystery is, check out This site is dedicated to cozy mysteries and does a great job of defining them as well as giving a list of cozy mysteries. This challenge is NOT restricted to what is on their list, it's just to be used as a guideline in case you need some hints on what to read.

So, here are the rules...

1. Choose the level you wish to participate:

Level 1 - Snoop - Read 1-6 books
Level 2 - Investigator - Reading 7-12 books
Level 3 - Super Sleuth - Read 13 or more books

2. The challenge runs from January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011.

3. You don't have to choose your books in advance. If you do, you can change your list at any time during the year. Books can overlap with other challenges.

4. Books can be in any format - paper, audio, all counts!

5. You don't have to post a review, but I'm sure others would love to know about the books you are reading and may even want to add it to their reading lists.

NOTE: If you don't have a blog and want to participate, that's fine. You don't have to have a blog, just post in the comments section as you finish books.

6. Take the button above, put it on your blog and post about the challenge. Then add your name to Mr. Linky below...Please use the link of challenge post, not the link to your home page.

Have fun!

Please use Mr. Linky below to post completed reviews. Post it like this: In the "Your Box" type: Your Name (Title of book read), in the url box: The link to your review post.

I'm going to go for the 2nd level - Investigator and read 7-10 books. I'll list them here:

1. Capable of Murder by Brian Kavanagh Click for review
2. The Embroidered Corpse by Brian Kavanagh Click for review
3. Bloody Ham by Brian Kavanagh Click for review
4. Haunting Jordan by P.J. Alderman Click for review
5. Executive Sick Days by Maria E. Schneider Click for review
6. Opal Fire by Barbra Annino Click for review
7. Curiosity Thrilled the Cat by Sofie Kelly Click for review


  1. I am doing level 3, Hugs Victoria
    here is my blog

  2. I'm trying for level 3. I'll try to start a blog for them.

  3. I m doing level 3 and don t have a blog

  4. Welcome to the challenge!

    For those of you without blogs, that's fine. You can just post here as you complete books so we know what you've been reading.

  5. thanks for doing this challenge again. I love cozy mysteries. I am in at level 3
    kim in ohio

  6. Glad you are joining in Kim. Welcome!

  7. I think you must be as addicted to challenges as the rest of us! LOL

  8. I am going to shoot for Level 2. Great challenge and I can't wait to start. This may also motivate me to create a blog.

  9. I will be going for level 3. I got a Kindle last week and am reading up a storm!
    Marcie aka AZbookworm

  10. Welcome Robint and Marce! Have fun!

  11. I'm tempted Yvonne. I have a number of cozies listed for reading next year already.

  12. I'm in for level 3. This should be fun!

  13. I have been looking for this challenge!! :D I'll join, probably in level 3.

  14. Welcome to the challenge! I hope everyone has fun with this!

  15. I'm going for Level 3. Not sure who I will be reading but there's a huge amount of cozies to choose from in my TBR. I'll be working on my lists on my blog and hope to be all set up by Christmas.

  16. I just started reading Cozy Mysteries and am looking forward to this challenge. I picked Level 2-Investigator.

  17. I host a cozy mystery challenge every year from April - September, so of course I already love cozies! I'll be signing up for this one too.

    THis is just a quick note to let you know I posted about your challenge on my cozy mystery blog so that those who participated in my challenge this year would be aware of yours too.

    Good luck!

  18. Thanks Kris! I joined yours the last couple of years too and will be doing it again. Thanks for posting and joining mine!

  19. I am joining at the super sleuth level cuz I love cozies. Every time I go to a book store, I see a new (to me) cozy author. It seems that if I only read cozies all year that I would never have time to read all of those published in 2011.

  20. I am doing level 3 (super sleuth) I love cozies.

  21. I have no idea what level I'll reach, but I'm definitely delighted to join! :)

  22. I love mysteries and expecially cozies. I'm on a quest to read all the Agatha Christie's. I usually read one a month. I'd like to do an additional number of cozy books so I'm signing up for the first level. Hopefully I'll get to more. Thanks for hosting the challenge.

  23. I'm in. Just signed up with Mr. Linky. I love cozies - this will be a fun challenge. Here's my page for my list.

  24. I have lots of cozies. should be a good challenge.

  25. I'm going to try for level 3. No blog, but am excited about this challenge./bj

  26. Love cozies and I've got a bunch of them in my TBR stack. I'll be signing up at the first level (just snooping), but hope to do better than that. Thanks so much for hosting!

  27. One big welcome to all who are joining us for this challenge. I'm looking forward to it.

    Remember, if you don't have a blog, you can list your books here in the comments section.

    Have fun everyone!

  28. I love cozy mysteries!!!

    I'm going for:
    Super Sleuth - Read 13 or more books

  29. Since I am already signing up for this::

    I will also consider myself as reading along with you, Yvonne :)

    I expect to crack Super Sleuth before too many months pass. lol

  30. Thanks for hosting this challenge. I have a feeling I'll be adding a few more books to the list throughout the year. :)

  31. Welcome to the challenge everyone!

  32. I am doing Level 3.This is my third reading challenge for 2011.Thank you so much for sponsoring this cozy reading challenge.

  33. I'm in and doing the super sleuth level. My post is at

  34. Whoo-hoo! I'm doing the Investigator level. Thanks, Yvonne, for a cozy challenge. Happy New Year!

  35. I'm trying for level 3. :) I'm looking forward to this one...Happy New Year!

  36. I love cozies! Going for super sleuth! =)

  37. Please count me in for this challenge. I'm planning to complete the Snoop level.
    Thanks for hosting!

  38. I want to join this challenge please at the investigator level. Thanks so much for hosting!!

  39. I read my first Cozy yesterday! It was titled Pasta Imperfect by Maddy Hunter. This is book #3 in the Passport to Peril Mystery series. I picked this book because I usually love books set in Italy and because of the reviews for the previous books in this series. Reviewers of previous books in this series described them as "hilarious and delightful", "light and witty" and even compared the author to Janet Evanovich who is one of my favorite authors. Sadly, I did not find any of this to be true of this cozy. I had to force myself to finish reading it. I did not find it funny or entertaining and I also didn't really like any of the characters in this book. Suffice it to say I won't be reading any further books in this series or by this author. Reading this book was a chore, not entertaining at all. I would not recommend it./bj

  40. I signed up :) Thanks for hosting!

  41. Thanks so much for this! I had never heard the term "cozy mystery" before, but realized I 100% understood as soon as I heard it and was amazed I'd never used the name before! I'm going for level 3 as a cozy mystery addict. Great challenge!

  42. This is just the challenge for me! I can't wait to get started!!

  43. Yvonne, Help! I can't make the picture active on my blog!!!

  44. I don't know what you mean! The picture is on your blog. I see it.

  45. Oh, well, I thought When I posted over at my sight that the button was supposed to be active but it isn't ans I couldn't post a link no one can link from there back to can I fix it? or doesn't it work that way?

    Oh and I do believe that I will be a Super Sleuth!

  46. I see what you mean now. You can do a couple of things...
    Go to edit the post, then go to the tab that says compose. Highlight the picture and click on the link icon above the edit box. It will ask you for a link, just paste in the link to the challenge and save.

    Or you can add a picture to your sidebar and there is a space to paste in a link for it to go to. Either way is fine :)

  47. I just signed up - I love reading cozy mysteries...and have a bunch on my shelf just waiting to be read!

    Thanks for hosting this challenge.

  48. Hello,
    I came by to enter the link for my review and it looks like Mr. Linky isn't displaying anymore for the cozy mysteries review list. I tried refreshing the page, but no Mr. Linky for reviews... Just thought I'd mention it in case it's not just me. I"ll check back later to see if it's a browser/computer issue on my part. Happy reading!

  49. Thanks for letting me know, Marisa. I just created a new one to use for reviews.

  50. Pheww I'm glad it wasn't some silly computer-illiteracy issue on my part :)

  51. I'm joining! My goal is level 3, which shouldn't be too hard for me.

  52. Okay, just signed up! Level 2. How fun! Thanks so much, Yvonne for hosting this!

  53. This is my second book for this challenge. Pepperoni Pizza Can Be Murder by Chris Cavender is the second book in the Pizza Lovers Mystery series. I read the first one, "A Slice of Murder" and liked it. The series takes place in a fictitious town in North Carolina, Timber Ridge. The main character is the widowed owner of the local pizzeria. Her sister works with her and she has two other employees, a college student and a high-school student who happens to be the son of the chief of police who was the lead character's high-school boyfriend. So there is some old baggage there. This series has some likeable characters and the story was very readable. No high action, but a story that held my interest.

  54. I have the first one on my Nook and it does look good. I'm glad you are enjoying this series.

  55. Yvonne, I'm going for level 1, but stupidly I posted the link for the challenge in the completed reviews link.. sorry about that :( Hope it's possible to remove it!

  56. I just saw this challenge and thought this is an excellent opportunity to brush up on my cozies. Signing up for Level 2. :D

  57. Please remove my name from the Linky at this moment, I didn't realize you should only put in a link when you're finished. Thank you. ^^;

  58. Kristel - Thanks for joining the challenge. The first linky is for signing up - I added your link to that one. The second one is for the completed reviews,I took your name off that one. Have fun!

  59. Hi, I just posted my first review. I didn't see any others - hope I did it correctly.

  60. Just found you and joined up. I am going for Snoop, just starting to read cozies.

  61. I am signing up for level 3, my blog:
    love this challenge

  62. OK, I just posted my firs review...hope I did this right...


  63. My third Cozy, "Death with an Ocean View" is the first in the Kate Kennedy, Senior Sleuth Mystery Series by Nora Charles. Its the story of a widow who moves to a senior citizens condo in South Florida after her husband's death. He was a NYC policeman and she has conversations with him and "channels" him while trying to solve a couple of murders. She is assisted by an ex-sister-in-law and various residents of her condo association, Ocean Vista. It is slightly Miss Marple-ish, but an enjoyable, lighthearted read.

  64. BJ link above will take you to my Goodreads review of my fourth cozy, "Abby Cooper; Psychic Eye" by Victoria Laurie which I enjoyed very much.

  65. I have taken up the 2011 Cruzin' thru the Cozies Challenge for Level 3. I just recently created my first blog so I hope created the link right. This is a great idea! Thank you for sharing.

  66. How did I not know about this sooner?

    As soon as I get the chance I'll add this to my challenges page.

    And I'll decide on a level then, but I'm thinking I could actually do a level 3. I've already read 2 this year, and unusually low.

  67. BJ Link above will take you to my Goodreads review of my fifth cozy, "Shop Till You Drop" by Elaine Viets.

  68. BJ link above will take you to my Goodreads review of my sixth cozy, "Who Killed Swami Schwartz?" by Nora Charles.

  69. BJ Link above will take you to my Good reads review of my lastest Cozy read, "Buffalo West Wing" by Julie Hyzy. I highly recommend this book./bj

  70. BJ #52 link above will take you to my Goodreads review of my latest Cozy read, "Better Read Than Dead" A Psychic Eye Mystery by Victoria Laurie. This is #2 in the series and is a really enjoyable read. I recommend this book and this series. Now if I could just learn to use the Linky right!/bj

  71. This sounds great! I think I will enjoy being a Snoop. :)

  72. Latest read, "Crunch Time" by Diane Mott Davidson. A little disappointing to me. Review posted on Goodreads:

  73. Latest read, "Mobbed" by Carol Higgins Clark. Enjoyable read. Linked above to review on Goodreads./bj

  74. Read "Sprinkle with Murder" by Jenn McKinlay, enjoyable read, likeable characters. 1st in series. Review posted on Goodreads:

  75. I found another challenge to sign up for, Yvonne! I just started reading the Kinsey Millhone Mysteries, and I saw that those were included on the Cozy Mystery website. I also have some M.C. Beaton books on my To Be Read pile, so I thought this challenge would be a good motivator! Thanks for hosting!

  76. Hi all,

    Work and home life have been so busy lately, I've left my blog a bit unattended as of late, so I forgot to post a review I made in May of my first time ever reading 'The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency' (Alexander McCall Smith). It is indeed a cozy mystery!

  77. Here's another one that's been great! Cozy and educational all rolled into one:

  78. Hi all,

    A veryyy cozy mystery here:

  79. I've now completed 12, so am going for Super Sleuth. I'll see how many I get racked up by the end of the year. My 12 are listed here

  80. Hello there! I joining the challenge late in the game at level 2. I love cozies! I'm so excited about this :)

  81. Hi all,

    I've just finished a real chunkster of a cozy mystery, "The Woman in White". What a fantastic surprise it was!

  82. Read "Steamed" by mother/daughter writing team, Jessica Conant-Park and Susan Conant. This is the first in the series. I really liked it, will be reading more of this series. Review link to GoodReads posted with Linky above./bj

  83. Latest Cozy was "Glazed Murder, A Donut Shop Mystery" by Jessica Beck. Link above to review on GoodReads./bj

  84. I just posted a review for The Grave Gourmet, by Alexander Campion, on my blog:

    But, I should be honest and say I didn't exactly read every page of this one. It is SO rare for me not to finish a book once I've started it, even if I hate it, but I'll admit...I couldn't get through this one. I just didn't like the style. I found myself half-way through and then skipping ahead to see what happened so I could be done with the book. I guess this author will not be going on my "Must Read" list!

  85. Just posted a link to my review for a book I just finished (and loved!) called A Better Quality of Murder, by Ann Granger.

  86. So I counted, and so far in 2011 I've read 15 cozies. I'm just trying to make sure I have reviews posted for all of them so I can share. But here's my list (so far this year):

    1. A Body to Die For: A Savannah Reid Mystery, by G.A. McKevett
    2. The Grave Gourmet: A Capucine Culinary Mystery, by Alexander Campion
    3. A Catered Christmas: A Mystery with Recipes, by Isis Crawford
    4. The Christmas Cookie Killer: A Fresh-Baked Mystery, by Livia J. Washburn
    5. The Weed That Strings the Hangman's Bag: A Flavia de Luce Mystery, by Alan Bradley
    6. Crewel Yule: A Needlecraft Mystery, by Monica Ferris
    7. Dust and Shadow: An Account of the Ripper Killings by Dr. John H. Watson, by Lyndsay Faye
    8. The Sherlockian, by Graham Moore
    9. A Holly, Jolly Murder: A Claire Malloy Mystery, by Joan Hess
    10. The Brothers of Baker Street: A Mystery, by Michael Robertson
    11. A Red Herring Without Mustard: A Flavia de Luce Mystery, by Alan Bradley
    12. The Cat Who Killed Lilian Jackson Braun (audiobook), by Robert Kaplow (performed by Arte Johnson)
    13. Death of a Chimney Sweep: A Hamish Macbeth Mystery, by M.C. Beaton
    14. A Better Quality of Murder: An Inspector Ben Ross Mystery, by Ann Granger
    15. A Rare Interest in Corpses, by Ann Granger

    Most of them are posted with reviews on my blog, Cozy Little Book Journal (

  87. See links above to Murder Between the Covers by Elaine Viets, Killer in High Heels by Gemma Halliday and Delicious and Suspicious by Riley Adams. All reviews are posted on Goodreads, links posted above./bj

  88. I've read 16 so far this year. I stopped reviewing after the 6th one and don't know if I'll start up again, but here are the titles...

    Why Shoot a Butler? by Georgette Heyer
    The Long Quiche Goodbye by Avery Aames
    Buzz Off by Hannah Reed
    Maid of Murder by Amanda Flower
    Ghouls, Ghouls, Ghouls by Victoria Laurie
    The Anteater of Death by Betty Webb
    The Koala of Death by Betty Webb
    Fundraising the Dead by Sheila Connolly
    Curiosity Thrilled the Cat by Sophie Kelly
    A Tisket, a Tasket, a Fancy Stolen Casket by Fran Rizer
    Hey Diddle Diddle, the Corpse and the Fiddle by Fran Rizer
    Casket Case by Fran Rizer
    I Scream, You Scream by Wendy Lyn Watson
    Scoop to Kill by Wendy Lyn Watson
    A Parfait Murder by Wendy Lyn Watson
    Roast Mortem by Cleo Coyle

  89. I changed the URL of my book blog (where I post my reviews) so I think I'll have to post new links for them all. Oops!

  90. I love reading cozy mysteries and love participating in this challenge. Thanks for hosting!!!


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