Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Friday, March 18, 2011

Book Blogger Hop - 3/18-3/21

Book Blogger Hop>

The blog hop is hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books

This week's question comes from Somer who blogs at A Bird's Eye Review (her blog design is ADORABLE - check it out!):

"Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?"

My answer...

I can only concentrate on one book at a time, especially if it's the same genre. Since I mainly read fiction, I tend to get the characters all confused if I read more than one at a time. However, I do listen to an audio in the car. So, I actually have 2 books going at once, but somehow it's not so difficult to juggle an audio one with one I'm reading in print.

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  1. Hi Yvonne,
    Hopping through. I love the way this site feels - very comfortable.
    I am your newest follower.
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Coming through on the blog hop.

    I have no problem reading two books at a time though it does not happen often. I generally like to finish one and then start another

  3. Before blogging, I read one book at a time but now I tend to read two at once and rarely three at a time. It helps particularly if I read one non-fiction book and keep a good fiction book at my bedside.

  4. Not everyone can multi-task and nobody should. When it comes to book sure, I can't read four books simultaneously (or even two, for that matter!) but there are times I'll juggle as many as four books at a time depending on the subject matter, the urgency or more often both.

    The real trick to this is what KINDS of books to juggle. Hop on over to my blog and learn the method behind my madness - http://www.howardshermannet
    Howard Sherman

  5. Same here....only one at a time.

    I don't know how folks do it....I am amazed at how many people read more than one book at at time. :)

    Stop by my blog for a giveaway of LINEN QUEEN courtesy of Sarah from Hachette Books and to see my answer to this week's Blog Hop question.


  6. Hopping through. I often read multiple books at a time. I don't listen to audio books much, but I do read e-books at the same time as print books.
    My Hop


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