Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, August 8, 2011

Musing Mondays - Vacation Reads

If you'd like to play along on Musing Mondays, just click the button above to join in.

This week’s musing asks…

If you were (are) going on vacation, what books would you take with you?

My answer...

It's easy for me because I would just take my Nook which has 1200 books downloaded to it (gotta love all the freebies I get with the Nook, otherwise I wouldn't have 1200 - LOL - although not all were free).

But...which ones would be on the top of my reading lists? It would have to be a couple of cozies - Lye in Wait by Cricket McRae, Classified as Murder by Miranda James and The Cat, The Lady and the Liar by Leann Sweeney. Then, I think I'd choose a couple of chick lit to lighten the mood - Millie's Fling by Jill Mansell, Miranda's Big Mistake by Jill Mansell and Miss Match by Erynn Mangum.

These aren't books I've necessarily been dying to read (although the cozies are) but I'm looking at my Nook library and these are the ones that stand out. I think the mix of mystery and chick lit would make a very nice vacation. my books are packed...1200 in my purse...when and where am I going? I could use a vacation about now :)

see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!


  1. You say Nook, I say Kindle :) but in the end, we have the same thing really!

    Here's my Musing Mondays (August 8) post!

  2. I pack light when I go a vacationing, and that means books also.

    I really do need to quit buying books and get a nook the way it sounds. Right now I have to many unread books to justify my buying a nook. Oh well, maybe someday.

    Those cats are being mischievous...but having a lot of fun.

  3. I have a Nook too, with many free or very cheap books too, but in reality, I rarely read on vacation, as I explain in my post.
    Yes, shocking, I know.

  4. Vacation is when I realize a Nook would be great to have. I have not succumbed yet.

  5. I usually take one really thick book with me and never seem to read more than a chapter of it. Too busy having fun!

    Here's my MM:

  6. Wow that's a lot of books in your Nook :)

    Here's mine:


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