Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Musing Mondays - How To Books

If you'd like to play along on Musing Mondays, just click the button above to join in.

This week’s musing asks…

Other than for school, do you read books to learn how to do something? What was/were the topic(s)?

My answer...

I like to write fiction (maybe someday I'll even get published) and I get books that tell you how to plot stories, develop characters, grammar, etc. etc. etc. Even though I've taken classes for this in the past, I figure you can never learn too much. Also, the newest thing is self-publishing in the ebook world, so I've been reading up on that too. I'm lucky since Barnes & Noble is offering six books on these topics for free. I already downloaded all of them :)

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  1. Ya, writing is hard. I just prefer to read for fun! Lol! I like your picture! : )

  2. Hopping through. :)Good luck with writing. :) My Monday Musings

  3. Best of luck with the writing! :)

    Here’s my Musing Mondays post. :)

  4. I recommend a book about writing in my Musing -- actually a book length collection of interviews with Michael Moorcock. Definitely worth picking up a copy!

  5. I tend to avoid it, I read enough of them for uni

  6. My dad used to read lots of "How To" books about plumbing, woodworking, electricity, locksmithing all kinds of stuff. I read several "how to" books about blogging, selling on Amazon, teaching a dog tricks, playing tennis, poker and golf and probably a few others.


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