Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Life According to the Books I Read in 2011

This is a fun meme hosted by Christine at The happily every after...

Using only titles of books that you read this year (2011), complete the prompts below. Try not to repeat any book titles. Think creatively and have fun!

Describe yourself:
A Red Hot Mess by Kimberly Van Meter

How do you feel:
Stir Until Thoroughly Confused by Heather Wardell

Describe where you currently live:
Driftwood Cottage by Sherryl Wood

If you could go anywhere, where would you go:
Cruiseship Chronicles: Cozumel Cool by James Vaughn

Your favorite form of transportation:
To Fetch a Thief by Spencer Quinn (Sorry, but I couldn't think of anything else and fetching is a form of transportation - LOL)

Your best friend is:
The Last Darling by Cloud Buchholz

You and your friends are:
Better Together by Raymond Rose

What's the weather like:
Season to Knit by Kate Jacobs

What is life to you:
How Sweet It Is by Sophie Gunn

Favorite time of day:
Always on Sunday by Michael Harris

Your fear:
Dead and Gone by Charlaine Harris

What is the best advice you have to give:
You Can Be Happy by Richard Carlson

Thought for the day:
A Life That Fits by Heather Wardell

How I would like to die:
Eternity Embraced by Larissa Ione

My soul's present condition:
Ecstasy by Belle Andre

Funny Pictures - New Year's Resolutions Cats
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!


  1. Too Funny!! I would have never thought to do that. I'm almost afraid to even do that on paper, my books run to darker tastes. I'd probably end up in He** and have Vampires and serial killers for friends!

    I wanted to wish you a Very Happy New Year as well! Stay safe and healthy!!

    Is it the cats that need more time on the treadmill???

  2. I like your choices of books also, and they seem to fit quite well.

    I played along here:

  3. his is a fun m;eme. I did it one year and may try it again. The cats have the right idea about the treadmill! Happy New Year!

  4. Great answers! Lol at the how do you feel one.

  5. Hi!
    Great answers and books. I read the Sherryl Woods Chesapeake series. Have a wonderful New Year.

    Just Books

  6. I loved your "cats on treadmill" pic! Great answers bts!

  7. LOVE your answers!

    'Driftwood Cottage' sounds like a lovely place to live.

    Thanks so much for playing along and linking up. I've always loved this meme, but doing the link up this year was the best idea because it's leading me to so many new-to-me readers and bloggers! : )

    Here's to more great reading in 2012!


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