Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Booking Through Thursday - Talking About Reading

If you'd like to join in on Booking Through Thursday, just click the button above.

This week's question...

Do you like to talk about what you read? Do you have somebody to talk WITH?
(Because not everybody does. I haven’t had someone to really chat about a book with since college.)

My answer...

I talk to people online, but not that much. I don't usually get into any indepth conversations about books. As for at home, nobody reads like I do so I just go onto the next book.

funny cat pictures - I crack  me up!!
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  1. That's pretty much my life when it comes to discussions about reading.

  2. It's been a long time since I had friends (in real life) who enjoyed books as much as I do. So blogging is where I share thoughts...primarily in reviews or occasional gushing posts.

    Here's MY BTT POST

  3. Blogging is a good way to discuss books.

  4. I do have one friend with whom I can sometimes discuss shared reading interests, but she has a nasty habit of spoiling key plot points, so I try not to discuss until after I've finished any book borrowed from her. I also discuss some books with others on GoodReads.

  5. Discussing a good book makes it even better.

  6. Totally agree with you. Here's my From the Pile and my Musing

    If you have a moment please check out my Ebook Giveaway

  7. I talk about books with other book bloggers, mostly.

  8. I live alone and the cat is a unreliable listener, LOL. I talk on my favorite book blogs with other book bloggers. It has given me a place to discuss my books. No one reads as fast or as much as I do so its impossible to review books with my friends as they read one or two a month and I read about 12-15 books a month.


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