Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Hard Act To Follow by Henry Bushkin



About the Book

"A Hard Act to Follow," is a non-fiction literary account of Henry Bushkin's tenure as Johnny Carson's lawyer, business partner, and friend.  The book gives genuine insight into the 'Carson behind Johnny' with candid personal vignettes about the two, during the rollicking years when Johnny was the undisputed king of television.  This is an engaging, eye-opening, anecdote-packed story about a young lawyer and his client, one of the biggest celebrities in the country.  This funny, unfiltered account gives readers a look at the Johnny Carson that none but a select few really knew.

My Review

Before there was a Jay Leno, David Letterman, Jimmy Kimmel, or Jimmy Fallon...there was Johnny Carson.  A regular fixture in the late night talk show world.  He's the late night talk show host I grew up with and the man truly paved the way for the current crop of talk show hosts.

This book is written by his lawyer who became one of Carson's closest friends and someone who knew Carson better than anyone else.  Bushkin gives us an inside look into the man and the world he lived in.  We learn what drove Carson, his heartbreak, and we even learn about those who tried to take advantage of him.  I guess that's to be expected when you are rich and famous, but how horrible when you can't even trust those who are supposed to be friends.

Henry Bushkin's book is one of the better Hollywood memoirs I've read.  He gives the reader a clear picture of Johnny Carson - both the good and bad.  He does this in an interesting way that does not bore the reader.  There were times I forgot I was reading a memoir and felt as if I was listening to someone talking to me.  Bushkin has a wonderful storytelling style and I truly enjoyed this book.

You can read more about the book, from a recent Book Blast I posted.  Just click here.

FTC Disclosure: The author provided me with a copy of this book to review for the blog tour. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. I would love to read this book. I am having trouble finding where to go to purchase it. I grew up loving to stay up late and watching his show. He was one of a kind for sure.

    1. Just so you know, you can pre-order the book on the website

      I used to love watching his show too.


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