Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, August 11, 2014

Spotlight/Book Giveaway/Guest Post: The Cat, The Vagabond and The Victim by Leann Sweeney

About the Book

Genre: Cozy Mystery, #6 in A Cats in Trouble Mystery Series
Publisher: Obsidian Mystery
Release Date: August 2014

Synopsis from Goodreads...

Heir of the cat...

When Clyde the cat travels two hundred miles back home only to find his former owner dead, the story makes national news. While everyone seems eager to tell Clyde’s incredible tale, someone needs to step up to care for him. Because the media attention is creating chaos at the local shelter, cat quilter Jillian Hart agrees to foster the loyal orange tabby, hoping his location is kept secret.

But while the media circus around Clyde continues, Jillian learns the real story behind his owner’s death—he was murdered. Why would an eldery man already dying from a serious illness become a murder victim? As the local police search for an answer, Clyde makes another escape. Jillian is drawn into the case when she finds Clyde has returned to his home again—and he’s found another body. When the motive behind these murders is finally revealed, Jillian understands Clyde is in danger of becoming the next victim, and she must help find the killer before the claws really come out.…

Author Guest Post
by Leann Sweeney

When I first started writing the Cats in Trouble Mysteries, I'm not sure my editor realized what I would do with the series. Talking or thinking cats meant the heroine could be involved in all sorts of mysteries, not just those involving felines. She expected that's the direction I would take.

I knew, however, that I could never write a series where cats talked or had thoughts. Others can do that, and they do it well. I needed to have mysteries surrounding cats and I couldn't have my heroine Jillian Hart's fur kids, Merlot, Chablis and Syrah always the ones in trouble. But felines are so fascinating, have so much to say, are so smart, that I wanted them to help solve the mystery or be involved whenever they could.

Even six short years ago, remote technology wasn't that common for individual homes. But I couldn't have Jillian stuck at her house all the time unless I made her agoraphobic. So I researched the idea of a "cat cam." Very few people were making them at the time, but I did find one or two. With one of those installed at her house, Jillian could see what was going on with her fur kids even when she's was chasing clues with her friend Deputy Candace Carson.

I believe I should have taken that idea and run with it—started my own company! I could be a millionaire. Now, the "pet cam" and "nanny cams" are easy to buy and install. There are "collar cams" and they even have a new two-way camera where you can talk and interact with your pet. Laser toys are involved!

Guess who's getting some new technology in the 2015 release of a Cats in Trouble Mystery? Yup. Jillian and her friends will be interacting even more when she's out chasing down murderers. Meanwhile, in the current release, The Cat, The Vagabond and The Victim, another little piece of technology is very important—but you'll have to read the book to find out.


How would you like to win a paperback copy of The Cat, The Vagabond and The Victim by Leann Sweeney? Thanks to Obsidian, I have one paperback to giveaway to one lucky winner.

Just a few simple rules...

1) You must fill out the rafflecopter form below.

2) Contest is open to anyone over 18 years old

3) US Residents Only

4) For one extra entry: Tweet about this giveaway.

5) For one extra entry: Leave a comment for the author.

6) For one extra entry: Follow this blog...old followers, too! Just let us know how you follow and under what name.

No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

The giveaway begins on August 11th (midnight est) and ends on August 18th (midnight est).

The winner will be chosen randomly by Rafflecopter. The winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond, otherwise a new winner will be chosen. I will announce the winner here on my blog.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Now this was more about the cat, cool

  2. looks like a fun read, hope to get a chance to read it :)

  3. Love cozies with cats, can't wait to read this one!

  4. I love this series! Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Would love to win this.... Great series!

  6. Way to go Clyde! :)

    patucker54 at aol dot com

  7. Love cat mysteries. Would love to win this book.

  8. Captivating mystery. Thanks for this giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. I haven't tried this series but I loved the Yellow Rose series! This looks like a fun read!

  10. This book sounds like a charming cozy. I will add this giveaway to my blog's sidebar. Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Yvonne!

  11. Cats cats cats. I have a friend who reads specifically "cat and dog" books with me because she moved away and can no longer be in my mystery group. This new book looks a treat for us! Ronnalord(at)msn(dot)com

  12. Love, love, love cat cozies----and I really want to "meet" Clyde and see how he helps solve the mystery.

  13. I love cats and this sounds like a fun, sweet cozy series. Thanks for the chance.

  14. I can't wait to learn more about Clyde. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. This is on my must read list! :D

  16. Can't wait to meet Clyde! Thanks!

  17. I love your cover. Great excerpt would love to read.

  18. congrats & continued success to Leann!!!
    the covers in this series are so adorable!!!

  19. Cat cams. I love it! Now they just need them with speakers so you can talk to your furbabies even when you aren't home.

  20. Can't wait to read the latest installment in this series! ♥

  21. I love the books in this series—thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this book!

    skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

  22. It sounds like a fun mystery, I really like the cat. I love the cute cover. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  23. This cat sure finds a lot of dead bodies! Sounds like a fun cozy.
    mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com

  24. I love cats. I'm not sure if I ever read anything like this before but you have peaked my interest. Thank you


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