Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun Blog Hop-Week #189


This is a fun meme and it's hosted by Hilary at Feeling Beachie. Check out her lovely blog, if you'd like to participate.

This week’s statements:

    1. I just hate the cold weather.

    2. Winter is definitely on the way.

    3. If I could, I would go on vacation right now.

    4. Watching my cats play makes me laugh.


    1. Winter has arrived here as well and it came in really rough with the temps. Brrrr.

    2. Almost the same answers as mine except I only have a husband, no cats.

    3. I am dreading winter as well! Have a great Friday!

    4. I saw some of that "s" word STUFF today.... so not ready for it yet. But I did dig my winter coat, hat and mittens and boats out from their hiding place --- just in case.
      But seriously - I am not ready!!
      Now a vacation - THAT I am ready for. :)

    5. I sense an anti-winter theme here. Ha! I totally agree with #4.
      Enjoy your weekend!

    6. Ooh! I'd love to go on vacation right now too!

    7. Definitely is winter here in Pittsburgh. No snow, but the temperatures are too cold for this time of year. These are January/February temperatures.


      ENJOY your weekend.

      Silver's Reviews
      My Follow Friday Four Fill-In


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