Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday - May 27th

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

I love this series!  This is the third book - the first two were so much fun!

Synopsis from Goodreads:

"A huge treat for mystery fans.” —Peggy Ehrhart You can’t tiptoe when murder’s afoot…

It’s Bastille Day in Paris. The Happy Hoofers—Tina, Janice, Pat, Mary Louise, and Gini—are all set to kick off the fete by dancing the cancan on a beautiful sightseeing cruise down the Seine. As the leggy ladies soak in the magic of the city of lights, everything is magnifique…until a very important patron goes belly-up on the top deck.

On the heels of their French debut, murder takes center stage. The five daring dancers will need to step lively to stop the crafty killer fast…or their grand finale will turn out far more explosive than the fireworks over the Eiffel Tower…

Includes Fashion Tips And Tasty Recipes

Publisher: Kensington
Release Date: August, 2015

So, what are you waiting for?


  1. Fashion tips and tasty recipes! What more could you want?

  2. This book sounds fun! And it's set in France. Nice!

    My Waiting on Wednesday post.

  3. Oh, you had me at Paris...and that gorgeous cover. Enjoy!

    Here's mine: “CORRUPTED”

  4. That looks like such a fun series! I love mysteries, especially when they're set in interesting places like this one.


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