Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday - May 6th

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

The first book was really good and I'm looking forward to the second book in the series.

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Fabric shop owner Polyester Monroe is back in business—this time getting wrapped up in a diabolical but crafty case of murder.

With opening day of Material Girl approaching, Poly is stocking up on lush fabrics, colorful notions, and best of all, a proprietary weave of velvet. But upon delivery, it’s not quite the blend she expected, being ninety-percent silk and ten-percent corpse. Crushed under a dozen bolts of fabric is Phil Girard. His wife, Genevieve, local tea shop owner and close friend of Poly, is the prime suspect.

Granted, Phil may not have been the perfect husband, but surely Genevieve had no reason to kill him! There’s just the small matter of Genevieve’s own incriminating confession: I’m afraid I killed my husband. Now, as Material Girl’s grand opening looms, Poly is torn between a friendship pulling apart at the seams—and finding a smooth killer with a velvet touch…

Publisher: Berkley
Release Date: August, 2015

So, what are you waiting for?


  1. Polyester? Seriously? I laughed out loud. And The Material Girl? Sounds like a very nice cozy, complete with a cute kitty on the cover. Enjoy!

  2. I haven't even read the first one yet and now there's a 2nd book coming out in this series! I'm so behind! It does look great though. Can't wait to get to them


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