Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Review: Teatime with Mrs. Grammar Person by Barbara Venkataraman



Barbara Venkataraman

Release Date:
October 2015

Synopsis from Goodreads:

Fear not, Gentle Writer, Mrs. Grammar Person is here and she has the answers to all of the questions you never thought to ask. As a dedicated and serious grammarian, she will do what it takes to be entertaining and enlightening, but never vulgar or coarse. Heavens, no! Where are her smelling salts? Warm and witty, Mrs. G.P. makes grammar interesting with rhyming, wishful thinking, story-telling and a champagne toast. You are cordially invited to join her for a spot of tea!

My Review

This book is filled with information and given in a way to make you remember. It helps with all those grammatical questions you may be wondering about. Mrs. Grammar Person reminds us of being weary of relying on things such as spell check (i.e. morning vs. mourning – huge difference!) There are many tidbits such as this throughout the book.

The presentation is very pleasant and enjoyable, which isn’t usually true for a grammar book. I listened to this one in my car. It’s the perfect audio book. I felt as if the narrator was in the car and we were having a conversation, not just being taught about grammar. It’s a quick book to listen to…I finished in one day.

This is a very cute way to learn important information.

FTC Disclosure: The author provided me with a copy of this book to review. This did not influence my thoughts and opinions in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. What fun! And definitely better than Spell-check, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Any grammar book described as cute and fun is worth a look, especially if it makes looking up or learning points of grammar easier.

  3. I read another book by her and really enjoyed it. I think I actually have a copy of this one as well. Any grammar book that can be considered fun is definitely worth reading!


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