Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Friday, August 25, 2017

Friendly Fill-Ins - August 25th

This meme is hosted by Ann at McGuffy's Reader and Ellen at 15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Here are my answers to this weeks statements...

Week 68: August 25, 2017

1. Playing games on Facebook is a waste of time. And, yes, I do it everyday anyway :)

2. My favorite app is my Fitbit app. It tells me how many steps I did and how much exercise I did. It also tells me my sleep patterns. It's very useful.

3. My first car was a Pinto. It was big and yellow :)

4. The best car I ever owned was a Toyota Corolla, because it lasted the longest and never gave me problems. I still have a Corolla but a more recent model :)


  1. I cannot get into Games. My mind wanders and I get too restless! I remember Pintos! They did not last too long. Have a great week. HUGS!

  2. Thank you for participating, great answers. I remember pintos too.Toyotas are a good quality vehicle. Have a nice weekend!


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After some careful consideration, I've decided to become an award-free blog. Although I appreciate and am honored by each and every award I've received, your comments and friendship are enough award for me. Thank you all so much for your thoughtfulness.

Due to way too many spam comments, I disabled the Anonymous User comments. We'll see if this works, otherwise I'll have to go back to word verification.