Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The Weekend Review - December 12th-14th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, it is now being hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a meme with a new host!  It's now being hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. This is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I'm also linking to  Stacking The Shelves which is hosted by Team Tynga's Reviews.

Hi Everyone!  

Another week has gone by and we are are closer to 2021.  I hope it will be better for all of us.  I'm sure we will all still be dealing with the pandemic in one way or another, but at least there's a vaccine on the way.  It's going to take awhile for all of us to get it, but it's a start.  The election madness continues.  It can really make your head spin.

Speaking of heads spinning, we adopted two kittens last week.  Here they are...

The brown calico on the left is Cookie and the tuxedo is Oreo.  Two girls.  They came with their names.  I was a bit spooked out that one is named Cookie since I recently lost a cat with that name but I almost think it's a sign that she was saying it's alright.  

The girls love to play.  My three year old, Kit, isn't too happy but she's dealing with it.  I hope to have more pictures.  It's hard because whenever I get close, they break up their picture moment.  I will keep trying.

On the reading front, I managed to finish two books this week.  I signed up for a few reading challenges this week.  I'm not going crazy with reading challenges, basically signing up for the ones I do annually.  I'm also taking over the NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge.  All link ups are on my sidebar if you are interested.

We've been having beautiful weather in Florida.  It feels like Fall.  It's been nice to take my walks.

Other than that, it's the same old here.  What have you all been up to?  I hope you have a great week!

Take care and stay safe.

Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways Coming Up Next Week

Sunday:  Review:  The Secret on Rum Runner's Lane by Melissa Bourbon (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Posts last week:

Monday:  Awww...Mondays


I'm currently reading...

I finished reading ...

I'm planning to read this one next...

Here are this week's Kindle freebie haul. They were freebies when I got them, I don't know if they still are. Always make sure to check they are still free before buying. The prices change quickly.  

Blog Tours and Reviews coming up soon...


  1. Those two kittens! I eagerly anticipate seeing their shenanigans here. Kit will love the new additions to your family.

    I never do challenges, but 2020 was a year I wished I'd taken some on, and so I am filling 2021 with several.

    I'm glad the weather has been good for you. It's finally gotten cooler here; from late November through February, we have weekly blasts of coolness from up north, and that is much appreciated.

    Have a good week!

  2. My 5YO asked me for a kitten the other day - but her daddy - sadly - said no.
    We will work on it though. Enjoy your new babies!

  3. Ooh, your kitties are so lovely !!! And they're in age to play with each other, which is good. My oldest cat doesn't play much with my youngest, so youngest brings me stuff (chain, piece of cardboard, ball) just like a dog so I can play with her. Enjoy your book haul (if the cats let you read them in peace !) and take care :)

  4. I LOVE THEM!!! We got a quarantine kitten, She is a nut and our older two at first weren't sure but they are good now. They are just so cute! Good luck with your new babies! Makes me want another one but my husband keeps saying no, keep trying to figure out if I can sneak it in and see if he notices. lol

    Have a great week, Yvonne! Happy Reading!

  5. Adorable kitties! Enjoy them, and your books. I like the look of Wrong Alibi.

    Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  6. I know that the life won’t return to usual immediately in 2021. But I really hope that it does sometime soon and the vaccine will be here by then. Your new cats look adorable.. Stay safe!

  7. Your new kitties are so sweet!

    Wishing you a great reading week

  8. Two new kitties! YEA!!! I am soooo glad for you Yvonne. Welcome Cookie the 2nd and Oreo! You are always welcome to come and visit me, I love to chat to fellow felines.

    Now stay away from your Mommy's Christmas tree.

    You have so many new books! Tis the season to be murdered doesn't sound all that jolly does it?

    Have a good week Yvonne and enjoy those fur balls.

    Elza Reads

  9. Your two new kitties are absolutely adorable. Makes me miss my own tuxedo cat we lost this past summer. I'm signing up for a few challenges too. I'll look at your Netgalley challenge. Have a great reading week!

  10. Oh my goodness your kittens are so adorable! I hope you have a great week! I just started a new book blog so I am just getting started again. I had a book blog before for many years. If you are interested I have a post on my blog.

  11. What a perfect way to close out 2020 with kittens! They are adorable.

  12. Congrats on your new additions. I do think it was a sign from Cookie that she wanted you to adopt these two. XO

  13. It's nice to see the vaccine getting closer! I just saw today that it's already shipping. And aww what cute kitties! Oreo looks a lot like our kitty. How cute. And I hope Kit comes around soon. :)

  14. Oh my, Cookie and Oreo look so adorable. I'd like to get into a Christina Dodd series .... time!!

  15. Aww, your kittens are so cute! I love them. They look like they’re going to cause a lot of trouble. I’m very excited for a corona vaccine. I had so much stuff I wanted to do this year, and I couldn’t do any of it! Maybe next year. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  16. Cute kittens and cute books too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  17. How adorable! Congratulations on the kittens.

    All your books look good, especially the Christmas ones.

    I'm only participating in one challenge for 2021. I used to sign up for more, but couldn't always keep up.

    Hope you have a great week.

  18. Oh they are so adorable! I love Tuxedo cats especially and their names are so perfect together. I imagine that Kit is not very happy but hopefully they can all find their way to becoming friends. Hope you're having a good week.


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