Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday - How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week, the topic is How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time.

This is an interesting topic and I'll be looking forward to reading everyone's responses.  I had to think a bit about this, but these are ways my reading has changed over the years...

  1. Changing from print to e-readers - This would be the biggest change for me.  When e-readers first came out, I was very resistant.  No way was I giving up print books.  Then, we decided to move and I had to downsize...I literally had 1000's of books.  I wasn't able to move them with me, but I realized I could have as many books as I wanted on my e-reader and nobody would care.  That's only one reason, another is I love being able to increase the font size.  As I get older, I need larger size print.  I can make the font on my e-reader as big as I want.                                                                                                                             
  2. I used to be able to read faster than I do now.  I'm getting slower these days.                                                                                            
  3. Years ago I used to read primarily sweet romances.  Now, I don't read too many books that are strictly romances.  I love a good mystery and books that keep me thinking.                                                                                                       
  4. I used to browse actual bookstores to relieve stress.  Today, I haven't been to a real bookstore in a long time.                                                                                                                                                 
  5. I used to have stacks of books on my night table, but now I have stacks of e-readers.  Yes, I've become a crazy techy - I have a Kindle, a Kobo, and a Nook.                                                                                                                       
  6. Another big change is that today I mostly read ARCs either from authors, publishers or Edelweiss/NetGalley which means it's deadline reading.  I used to just read from my own collection with no deadlines (I'm trying to get back to that.)                                                                                                                                      
  7. I used to join book clubs, but now I prefer reading on my own without any discussions about a book.                                                                                                                                                         
  8. If there were books I liked, I would re-read them.  Now, I never re-read.  I just don't have time with all the new books that are released every month.                                                                        
  9. I used to spend hours reading publications like Romantic Times and made lists upon lists of the books I wanted to get each month.  I used a little notebook that I took everywhere, just in case I went to a bookstore.  Now, I have wish lists on Amazon, Kobo and Goodreads.                                                                          
  10. I never used to read before going to bed, but now I do every night.  It's a great way for me to have some quiet time for reading.

Phew! I didn't think I'd come up with ten reading habit changes, but I did.  So, have your reading habits changed over the years?


  1. I always read before bed, too, even if it is just a few pages.

  2. I'm the exact opposite of you on the book clubs...i live in an area with so many book club options now, so I'm in 8 of them. I hope you have a great week. - Katie

    Here's my TTT if you wish to visit -

  3. It's great to read about your reading habits! I think the e-book thing is the opposite for me, I used to read a lot on my phone or laptop, but now I prefer having a physical book to hold. Also, reading a bit before bed is a great idea, I generally watch a few YouTube videos before I go to bed, but I might try reading a bit too.

    If you'd like to visit, here's my TTT:

  4. Since I started blogging, I have found myself reading more e-books than I ever thought I would. That's mainly because of the ARCs from NetGalley, but I have also borrowed a few from my library before going on a trip. In May when I went on a trip with my mom, I had four audiobooks and three ebooks. There's no way I would have been able to take that many physical books along.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  5. I almost feel like we have no choice but to change to e-readers. I was a real hold-out on that one.

    I read strict romance. It just makes me happier. But I will read a romantic thriller or mystery. Those are always good.

    You were a very organized reader. I never heard of Romantic Times.

  6. I'm with you on being a slower reader, or at least getting through fewer books each year. Not sure why that is... less time, probably, or perhaps all the books got bigger!

  7. I remember my husband was resistant to e-readers at first, but I took a chance and bought him one, and now he loves it. Here's my TTT:

  8. Oh man I used to do that too, make those lists from publications. I do still keep my lists in a book though. Lol. I love that you have stacks of e-readers on your nightstand!

  9. How interesting that you have multiple e-readers and different types as well. I'm curious as to why...are they that different from each other? I was resistant to e-reading for a long time, too, but now I can't live without my Kindle Fire!

    I also read before I go to bed. I think I always have, so it's not a change, just a habit. It relaxes me, although there have been lots of times when I just kept reading and didn't get to bed until way later than I should have. LOL

    Happy TTT!

    1. The e-readers are all similar. It's more a case of me being a sucker when I see a good sale. LOL

  10. Yes to #1, #2, and #4! I'm the opposite on some of the others, though. I have always read at night, and still do; same thing with rereading. And I went through a period of trying to read ARCs by the deadline, but now I'm more laid back about it, because I'm too much of a mood reader to stick to a reading schedule.

  11. I guess your reading has changed a lot, but that is OK as long as you still read. :) XO

  12. The biggest change for me is working so much, where'd my reading time go?

  13. I was definitely resistant to ereaders as well but now my Kindle is one of my very favorite things. I don't think I'll ever give up books but Kindles make things so convenient sometimes!

  14. Deadline reading made reading feel like a chore for me, so I stopped all my obligations. I never did the NetGalley's And Edelweiss' though, but I was a reviewer for a Dutch reviewing platform. I also had to think about my reviews carefully, because there were rules in place on the written text. Not on my rating gladly.

    My TTT:


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