Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Friday, January 24, 2025

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins -January 24th

This meme is hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and  15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Another fun friendly fill in Friday!

Here are my answers to this week's fill ins...    

1. Getting a good report on my CT scan was the highlight of my month.

2. A new book (or movie or tv show) that I highly recommend is the new Dexter TV show.  For those who watched the original Dexter, this one gives us a look at how he got started.

3. Watching old TV classics makes me feel like a kid again.

4. If I had to sing karaoke right now, I’d choose the song with no lyrics.  Nobody wants to hear me sing at all.  LOL

This week we are participating in Feline Friday, as well as Friendly Fill-Ins. This is a fun meme is now hosted by Messymimi's Meanderings. It's a great meme to share all the kitty fun. 

Oreo is ready to have fun this weekend!

Happy Friday!


  1. Oreo looks ready to play. I had the same as you last month for#1. It is great when you get good news.

  2. Oreo is such a cutie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am so happy that your cat scan was good. I love the new Dexter too. XO

  3. No one wants to hear me sing, either, which is why i would choose a silly song to make them laugh anyway.

    Oreo, I hope you and all your family have a fabulous weekend, thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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