Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Friday, January 10, 2025

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins -January 10th

This meme is hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and  15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Another fun friendly fill in Friday!

Here are my answers to this week's fill ins...    

1. I will keep my old                 over a new one any day.  My mind is a total blank about this one. I can't think of anything.
2. My theme song for the year is Don't Worry, Be Happy.  (Sorry, I know I already did a focus word, but I needed more motivation).
3. Nighttime is the most relaxing part of my day.  I usually lie in bed with Oreo by my side and read.  It's such a stress-free time.
4. Morning is the most stressful part of my day.  There's so much to do and my number one task is feeding the cats.  The difficult part is Oreo and Kit are so finicky that I don't always pick out the food they want and, if I'm wrong, they just won't eat.  Cookie, OTOH, will eat everyone's food and isn't quite so fussy.  

This week we are participating in Feline Friday, as well as Friendly Fill-Ins. This is a fun meme is now hosted by Messymimi's Meanderings. It's a great meme to share all the kitty fun. 

Happy Friday from Cookie!


  1. Cookie is a beautiful tortie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I had a similar one for #3. And I like your song choice. XO

  2. Somehow, there's always one cat wants to "help" the finicky with their meals.

    Cookie, you are beautiful. I hope you're all having a great weekend and thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!


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