Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, January 13, 2025

Top Ten Tuesday-Bookish Goals for 2025

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week, the topic is Bookish Goals for 2025.

I'm always making goals and lists, so I really like the idea of this topic.  Here are my ten bookish goals for 2025.

1.  I want to read 100 books this year.  I've done it before and I can do it again.

2.  I want to at least try and get back to audio books.  

3.  I want to spend more of my free time on reading and less on watching TV.

4.  I want to finish at least some of the cozy mystery series I started but haven't finished.  These are just a few of the series.  I have so many others, too.

5.  I wanted to complete all the reading challenges I'm in.  I'm especially excited to do the Mount TBR reading challenge.

6.  I'm going to continue my journals on my Kindle Scribe.  I want to keep track of the books I read and the ones coming up.

7.  I plan to write my reviews as soon as I finish a book.

8.  I'm going to be limiting the amount of review requests I accept.  

9.  Stay away from NetGalley and Edelweiss until my lists are more manageable.

10.  I'm going to try and not buy books.  That doesn't mean I won't still get freebies.  LOL

So, what is on your 2025 goal list?


  1. I hardly ever buy books. I like using the free ones from the library. Good luck with your goals.

    My challenges and goals:

    1. I use the library, too. They have such a good ebook selection. Good luck with your goals, too.

  2. These are excellent goals. I gave up (mostly) random tv in 2003, and it's the best thing I ever did. This year I'm working on giving up (mostly) random social media (like FB).

    1. Social media is thing I need to get rid of or cut back on. I spend too much time there.

  3. Good luck with your goals. They sound reasonable and nice. :)

  4. I love cozy mysteries. I know you'll achieve your goal.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you. Cozies are definitely my favorite genre.

  5. Awesome list, Yvonne. Series can be such a challenge. Looking to request less review books this year as well. Good luck with your 2025 goals!

    1. I have so many series to catch up with, but I can hopefully make a dent in my list. Thank you. Good luck with your goals too!

  6. Great list of goals! Several of us are wanting to do less ARCs this year. Good luck with all your goals!

    1. I noticed that many are trying to lessen the ARC load. There are just so many of them. Thanks and good luck with your goals too.

    2. Yvonne, it's true, so many great books coming out!

  7. Best of luck with Netgalley! That website has gotten me into so much trouble in the past. It's hard to cut back on the requests when there are so many great sounding books out there.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Netgalley is really dangerous. It's so hard to even browse over there without requesting something.

  8. Survive and get all unsecured debts paid off. That's as much goal as I can manage right now.

  9. Good luck with all of your goals!

    Check out my TTT:

  10. I stopped watching tv a number of years ago and it has made a huge difference in how much I read. I'll never go back! Good luck with all these goals.

    Happy TTT!

  11. Yes to more reading and less tv. That’s something I’m trying to do but didn’t write it down as a goal. And writing reviews right away is a good one. Good luck on achieving your goals, they all seem reasonable and achievable.

  12. I need to stay away from NetGalley as well.😅 How do you like Kindle Scribe? Worth it? I can't decide if it's something I want to get into or not.

    1. I do like the Scribe. It's nice to read on a larger screen. The journal section is good and there are different styles you can choose from. The one thing that's a bit difficult is the size. It's too big to put in my pocketbook and it's a bit awkward to travel with. So, for reading I'm usually using my Paperwhite which is easier to travel with.

  13. I have limited the number of review books I take in and it has made my life a little bit easier! I still have too many review books but not a mountain of them. Looks like you have great goals! I love all the series you have mentioned. I'm caught up on Lynn Cahoon's but want to catch up on the other three.

  14. These are all great goals, Yvonne! I'm trying to make a point of watching less TV too. And work on getting through some of my series--but that seems to be a never ending goal of mine. LOL Good luck with your goals this year!


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