Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Executive Retention Cover Poll at Bear Mountain Books


It's time!!! Author Maria E. Schneider has announced the sequel to Executive Lunch--but Executive Retention needs a cover! Executive Retention is the second book in the Sedona O'Hala series. Three covers are available over at Stop over and vote for your favorite cover.

Executive Retention Summary:

After solving one case of corporate crime, Sedona expected to get her peaceful life back. Problem: She is still a manager at Strandfrost, and there is still rampant jealousy over her promotion. Is the danger of being railroaded by her not-so-illustrious colleagues worse than taking a new undercover job from Steve Huntington?

Crooks are coming out of the woodwork and family troubles are stewing. Sedona needs to keep her sanity intact, piece together mismatched clues and dodge more than one stray bullet. If she can manage all of that, maybe she'll have time to figure out whether her love life stands a chance.

Executive Retention will be available in ebook form on Amazon on or around June 23, 2010. It will be available at in formats for other readers and then available at B&N, Sony, Kobobooks and Apple iStore soon after.

Review and early copies are available exclusively via Excerpts are available at the author's blog: Stop by and help choose the cover for Executive Retention!

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