Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Monday, June 7, 2010

Musing Mondays - Favorite Reading Spots

If you'd like to join in on Musing Mondays, just click the button above.

This week's question...

Where is your most often used (favorite) reading spot? Do you have more than one? What makes your favorite spot just that?

Share pictures if you have them!

My answer...

The bedroom, curled up in my bed. That's my favorite spot. One of my cats will usually curl up with me, it's quiet, and the only problem is - sometimes I get so comfy I fall asleep (not a knock against the book, just that I'm so comfortable and in the right position for sleep. LOL)

Here's a picture of the infamous Socrates trapped in my TBR guest room.


  1. Love the photo. My bed is my favourite place too.

  2. There is nothing more comforting than a cat near you in bed while you read or sleep! That's one of my favorite reading spots, too. I also love to read outdoors on the patio as the birds sing, or on "the reading couch" with the dog.

  3. no, I can't read in bed...I fall asleep in minutes. Cat or no

  4. I love to read in bed or on the couch unless it is warm out then in the lawn chair!

  5. awww.. Socrates looks so swwweeeeeettt!!!!

  6. Love the pic! Socrates looks right at home....


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