Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Follow Friday 40 and Over

This a fun blog hop hosted by Java at Never Growing Old. It's for all bloggers over 40. Here are the rules...

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

Sign up at Never Growing Old.

I'm so excited! Socrates' Book Review Blog is the featured blog at Java's Never Growing Old blog! She made us this lovely button...

Thank you so very much, Java!


  1. Hi,
    I'm always looking for a good book!! I'll be checking your blog often for your reviews!!
    Following from the blog hop.
    Julz@ and

  2. Hi Yvonne!

    I'm glad you are excited and that you like the button!

    Email me at so I can give you the code for the button!

  3. Congrats on being featured.

    I am popping by from Java's hop and I am your newest follower over 40.

    I love reading and books, unfortunately lately I haven't been able to do much of it.Hoping for one day...soon,lol


  4. Congrats on your #2 spot. I left you a comment on earlier post... and am your newest follower.

  5. Happy Follow Friday! And congrats on being Java's star of the week!

  6. Just hoppin' by, Yvonne! Have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to more of your adorable cat pics.

  7. Hi, Yvonne....I'm a new follower from "over 40 follow". I love to read and your blog is certainly right up my alley. I'm going to enjoy this for sure. :)


  8. Wow, that is a very cute button! Congrats and enjoy :)

  9. Congrats on being the featured blog at Follow Friday 40 and Over! I love your header and the button Java designed for you - of course, I'm a book lover and a cat lover! I'm also your newest follower.

  10. Lovin the new button!
    Congrats on being the chosen one today! :)

    enjoy ur weekend!


  11. I am doing this 'Follow Friday 40' and I am now following you! This is such a cool idea isn't it?! Love your blog by the way!

  12. Congratulations and what a wondeful button...but it does have the most handsome of cats to show it off to its full advantage:)

    Love visiting you and always enjoy your reviews...forgive me if I don't always leave a comment but I often view on the phone and it's a pain to try and write a decent comment on it without your specs falling off.

  13. Congrats on hosting at Java's!! I'm a new follower here!! ;D

  14. Love your button!! Java made mine a few weeks ago!


Thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog! I always love reading comments and getting to know my readers!

After some careful consideration, I've decided to become an award-free blog. Although I appreciate and am honored by each and every award I've received, your comments and friendship are enough award for me. Thank you all so much for your thoughtfulness.

Due to way too many spam comments, I disabled the Anonymous User comments. We'll see if this works, otherwise I'll have to go back to word verification.