Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Sunday Post - March 24th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

Happy Spring!!!

It really doesn't feel like Spring yet, but we're getting there.  We had a couple of days of weird misty type of snow, but since it didn't stick, I didn't care :)  I've been pretty busy with my outside job as well as blog stuff.  So, here's what's going on at Socrates' Book Review Blog...

Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews I Hosted 

Head Case by Jennifer Oko  (Review and Interview)

A Whisper In The Jungle by Robert Mwangi (Spotlight and Interview)

Million Dollar Mistake by Meg Lacey (Tour and Review)

Vengeance in Death by J.D. Robb (Review)

The Big Kitty by Claire Donally (Review and Giveaway)

 Book Giveaways

Posts This Week





Blog Tours Coming Up Next Week
3/27 (Spotlight)

3/30 (Spotlight and Review)

What was your week like?


  1. No spring here either dang it. :( Soon I hope.

    I see a coupe reviews I missed, I'll have to check them out.

  2. Doesn't feel like Spring here either, especially we are supposed to have snow for the next 3 days. Enjoy your week. :D

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  3. Secret Desire looks steamy! ;) We got about 10 inches of snow last night, so no spring for us either. Have a great week!

    Book of Secrets: Sunday Post

  4. I'm curious about that weight book. I used to lose an extra ten pounds or so in no time.

    Not any more. Part of it was a back surgery, and quitting smoking. But I know that my metabolism is off. And I have way more than ten lbs. I'd like to lose! lol

    Thanks for visiting my blog...enjoy your week.

  5. OoO Secret Desire looks yummy..yeah Spring forgot to come to NE, snow, 28 degrees with wind chill that makes it feel like -1 *facepalm* The Sunday Post

  6. I hope spring heads your way soon, Yvonne! Enjoy your reading this week. :)

  7. I'll send some of my sunshine days your way. :) Enjoy your books!


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