Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Friday, July 31, 2009

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella

Genre: Chick Lit

It this second book of Kinsella’s Sophaholic series, we find Becky Bloomwood is now a TV financial advisor. Becky is spending much of her time convincing her boyfriend, Luke, that there is more to life than just working. She convinces him to go away on a weekend trip, but she’s told to “pack light” and that’s more than just a small problem for Becky.

When Becky learns that Luke has been keeping a secret from her – a huge secret like his relocating to America, New York City to be specific, she can’t help wonder if this means the end of their relationship. She’s delighted when he asks her to move with him. Not only does she agree, but she’s mesmerized by the beautiful New York City stores.

Unfortunately, Becky’s shopaholic tendencies come back to haunt her and threatens Luke’s career as well. Becky tries to do damage control, but this time, she just may have ruined both her relationship and their careers.

I loved the first book in this series and this book is a good one too, but I was starting to find Becky’s repeating her mistakes from book one to be a bit tiresome in this one. I don’t know if it’s because of the current economic climate or because I wanted her to learn something after the first book, but this book had me rolling my eyes. Although, it also had me laughing out loud and rooting for her to have a happy ending.

Of course I’ll continue reading this series. I want to see how it all wraps up. Becky is a loveable character and readers do find themselves wanting her to succeed, even when she drives you crazy. LOL

For reading challenge: Chick Lit Reading Challenge

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Contest Winners!

The contest winners for Anne Rivers Siddon's OFF SEASON are:

Heather M

The winners for the audio version of Swimsuit are...


All winners were chosen using and have been notified by email. If I don't hear from the winners in 3 days, new winners will be picked.

Congrats to all the winners!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Fill-In #134 we go!

1. Usually, making a mistake is not the end of the world.

2. Sitting here, listening to the sound of rain falling, I want to scream very loudly.

3. Chocolate tastes so good!

4. Sometimes, putting others first is what you have to do.

5. The Carribean is breathtaking, really.

6. Well, maybe there is a chance the rain will stop.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing, tomorrow my plans include choosing books to read while I'm off from work this week and Sunday, I want to begin enjoying my week off from work!

If you'd like to play along on Friday Fill-Ins, just click the button at the top of this post.

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Nantucket Nights by Elin Hilderbrand

Genre: Chick Lit, Fiction

Twenty years ago Kayla, Antoinette and Val met in Nantucket when they rented a summer cottage. The three of them had a strong friendship that lasted into their adulthood. They even developed a ritual. Each year, the three of them would get together – without anyone else – share their deepest secrets, champagne and swim naked. It was one day a year that they escaped from their normal, daily lives. They called themselves, the Night Swimmers.

Then one night, one of the women goes into the ocean and doesn’t come back. Nobody knows what happened to her, but she is presumed dead. As the remaining women grieve, they realize the secrets they shared and, what they thought of as an innocent outing, threatens to tear their lives apart. This went much further then their friendship and many innocent people are in danger of being hurt.

I couldn’t put this book down. It captivated me right from the start. I wanted to know how this was going to end, even though I had my suspicions. Elin Hilderbrand writes a wonderful cast of characters and the plot flows beautifully. I’ve already added her to my list of “must read” authors.

For Reading Challenges:

2009 What’s in a name?
Chic Lit Reading Challenge

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Booking through Thursday - Preferences

Which do you prefer? (Quick answers–we’ll do more detail at some later date)

* Reading something frivolous? Or something serious? Definitely frivolous - I need the escape.
* Paperbacks? Or hardcovers? Paperbacks - easier to handle and cheaper.
* Fiction? Or Nonfiction? Fiction
* Poetry? Or Prose? Prose
* Biographies? Or Autobiographies? Autobiographies
* History? Or Historical Fiction? Historical Fiction
* Series? Or Stand-alones? Series
* Classics? Or best-sellers? Best-Sellers
* Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose? Straight forward, basic prose.
* Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness? Plots
* Long books? Or Short? Short
* Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated? Non-illustrated
* Borrowed? Or Owned? Owned
* New? Or Used? New

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

What is Chick Lit?

I'm curious, for those of you who read chick lit, what do you think is the definition of the genre?

I looked at Wikipedia's definition and it says...

Chick lit is a term used to denote genre fiction within women's fiction written for and marketed to young women, especially single, working women in their twenties and thirties. The genre sells well, with chick lit titles topping bestseller lists and the creation of imprints devoted entirely to chick lit. It generally deals with the issues of modern women humorously and lightheartedly.[1]

Although usually including romantic elements, women's fiction (including chick lit) is generally not considered a direct subcategory of the romance novel genre, because in women's fiction the heroine's relationship with her family or friends may be just as important as her romantic relationships.[2]

I always thought chick lit would basically be a story that would be more interesting to women then to men, regardless of the age. I'm reading a book by Elin Hilderbrand which is about 3 women in their late 30's - mid 40's. It's not humorous, but I don't think it's geared towards female readers as it delves into the relationship of these women. They aren't young 20somethings and it's not LOL funny. (It's an excellent book, btw, and I'll post a review when I'm finished.)

Wikipedia also has a definition for women's fiction...

Women's fiction is an umbrella term for a wide-ranging collection of literary sub-genres that are marketed to female readers, including many mainstream novels, romantic fiction, "chick lit," and other sub genres.

I'm just wondering what the rest of you think? This isn't a formal survey or anything, just some discussion on what chick lit means to you.

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Announcing the Second Annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week September 14-18, 2009

Last year over 400 blogs came together to celebrate the art of book blogging during the first ever Book Blogger Appreciation Week! I am so pleased to announce that the second annual Book Blogger Appreciation Week will be taking place September 14-18.

WHO Anyone who blogs about books is invited to participate. In fact, we want everyone who blogs about books and reading to be a part of this week!

WHAT A week where we come together, celebrate the contribution and hard work of book bloggers in promoting a culture of literacy, connecting readers to books and authors, and recognizing the best among us with the Second Annual BBAW Awards. There will be special guest posts, daily blogging themes, and giveaways.

WHEN September 14-18, 2009

WHERE Here at the new Book Blogger Appreciation Week Blog! (Please note that this year there are three separate blogs and feeds—one for the main event, one for giveaways, and one for awards.)

WHY Because books matter. In a world full of options, the people talking about books pour hard work, time, energy, and money into creating a community around the written word. I, Amy, the founder of Book Blogger Appreciation Week love this community of bloggers and want to shower my appreciation on you!

Please help us spread the word about Book Blogger Appreciation Week by posting about it on your blog, stumbling this post, twittering about it, and telling everyone you know that it’s time to have a party and celebrate book bloggers!

Please register by filling out the registration form! Registering ensures your inclusion in the BBAW 09 Database of Book Bloggers and enters you into the drawing for the BBAW 09 Grand Prize!

Come back often as there will be many updates! And follow us on Twitter!

BBAW Award Nominations will open tomorrow, July 15 on the BBAW Awards Blog.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Musing Mondays - Book Covers Revisited!

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about book covers (again)…

As a follow up to last week’s question, Melody asked about when book covers do not match the story. Do you feel disappointed when the cover’s don’t match the story? Have you ever been completely misled by a book cover?

My answer:

Sure, I've been disappointed by covers especially when they don't get the basics right - such things as hair color. That drives me crazy. I can't remember specific covers, but the wrong hair color bothers me. The other thing is when they go on and on about a character being overweight, then the cover shows them as very thin.

These are little things, I guess, but it's annoying. I think they should be able to get the covers as close as possible to the way they are described in the book.

If you'd like to play along with Musing Mondays, just click the button at the top of this post.

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Mailbox Monday July 20th

A slow week, but it's not like I have a shortage of books. LOL

The Way Home by George Pelecanos – audio CD (won it in a contest)
Benny & Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti (For a review)

If you'd like to play along with Mailbox Mondays, just click the button at the top of this post.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The De Santis Marriage by Michelle Reid

Harlequin Presents #2756, September 2008

Genre: Romance

Lizzy Hadley has no intention on going to her best friend, Bianca’s wedding, to Italian tycoon, Luciano De Santis. Lizzy’s brother had been in love with Bianca, but she broke up with him for Luc. Lizzy’s brother and father convince her to attend the wedding anyway, so she does. When she sees Luc, she feels an attraction she never felt before. She tries to control herself, since he is her best friend’s fiancé. Nothing could ever happen between them.

To everyone’s shock, Bianca leaves Luc standing at the altar as she runs off with Lizzy’s brother. Luc intends to make someone pay, unfortunately that someone is Lizzy. He blackmails her into marrying him or he will make sure her family suffers. Lizzy finds herself hating him, but not completely. She really wants nothing more than to make this more than just a marriage of convenience.

This was a nice read for a Sunday afternoon. It was quick, it moved along at a quick pace and I really felt for Lizzy and Luc. It’s been awhile since I read a Harlequin Presents, but this is a good one. I usually do enjoy Michelle Reid’s writing.

For reading challenges:

On the Porch Swing
Romance Reading

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bella Ella by J Lou McCartney

Genre: Fiction

Dante Moretti’s sister has been lost to him for years, she simply vanished from his life. When he learns she might be the victim of a sex trafficking ring, he vows to get revenge for his family. He will not stop until he stops this vicious crime and perhaps even find his sister still alive.

Ella Reynolds seemingly has everything life could offer. Then one day it is all taken away in one tragic accident. She desperately tries to hold things together for the sake of her family, but horrific events keep happening to the people closest to her. She falls head over heels in love with the handsome Dante, without realizing the dark and sinister world he lives in. Ella is caught up in an evil world so unlike anything she’s ever seen or experienced before.

J Lou McCartney creates a cast of characters that vividly jump out of the pages of this enthralling and captivating book. The storyline moves at a fast pace which leaves readers hanging on each word. It is not an easy book to put down. I do have to add a note of caution, this book has quite a bit of graphic violence. So, if that’s not your thing, this book isn’t for you. However, if you enjoy adventure, drama and a gripping story that keeps you breathless, you will definitely want to add this book to your shopping list.

Benny & Shrimp by Katarina Mazetti

Genre: Romance

Benny and Desiree (“Shrimp”) are too lonely people who don’t seem to fit with anyone else. Their meeting place is a bit unconventional, she sits on a bench in front of her late husband’s grave as he sits before his parents’ graves. He garishly decorates his parents’ graves, while she stares at her husband’s simple grave. If first impressions mean anything, they hate each other at first sight. Not only does Benny decorate graves garishly, much to Shrimp’s horror, he dresses that way too. Of course Benny thinks she’s way too “beige”.

Somehow these two misfits are drawn together. They are total opposites. He’s a milk farmer who is overworked and his home is not quite organized as Shrimp’s. Her home blinds Benny with the white walls, white carpet and everything organized. He loves the farm life, she loves the city life as a librarian. Benny can’t remember the last time he even touched a book. However, they both have one thing in common, they are scared of spending their lives alone and without children.

This is a delightful, sweet romance as we watch the couple clash on almost every major issue. The reader wonders how they’ll ever get together. The book is filled with romance, humor and realistic situations. I read this book in one day and enjoyed every minute. The ending did leave me scratching my head as I wasn’t sure how the author meant to leave us, but I think we can draw our own conclusions. A very touching, cute read!

For reading challenges:

Romance Reading Challenge

Friday, July 17, 2009

Friday Fill-In #133 we go!

1. Hot dogs and a knish make a quick and easy dinner.

2. Benny and Shrimp by Katerina Mazetti is the book I'm reading right now.

3. July brings back memories of fireworks, sun and humid weather.

4. Rain in the forecast was obvious.

5. They say if you tell your dreams they won't come true (I don't know if they really say it, but it's all I could think of).

6. It wasn't such a good deal, once I had a chance to think it over.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to watching TV, reading and relaxing, tomorrow my plans include catching up on movies and Sunday, I want to do grocery shopping and read!

If you want to play along with Friday Fill-Ins, just click the button at the top of the post.

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A Cedar Cove Christmas by Debbie Macomber

Genre: Romance

Mary Jo Wyse is going to have the worst Christmas ever, she’s sure of it! Her boyfriend, David Rhodes, skipped out on her as soon as he discovered she was pregnant. Oh he said all the right words when she gave him the news, but when it came right down to it, he walked away.

Mary Jo’s three brothers have no intentions of letting David get away with his shabby treatment of their baby sister. They plan to find him and make him do what’s right – marry their sister and take care of her and the baby. Mary Jo is horrified to learn of her brothers’ plans. She realizes she was duped by David and no longer wants any part of him. She’s certainly not going to be railroaded into marrying the creep. Her brothers might mean well, but they are just going to make things worse.

She decides the best course of action is for her to get to David before her brothers do. She sneaks out of the house and heads off to Cedar Cove, but quickly learns that David’s life was one big lie. He didn’t live there, but his father and step-mother did. When Mary Jo finds out they are out of town for the holidays, she finds herself utterly alone in a strange town.

Grace Harding, the town’s librarian, quickly takes Mary Jo under her wings. She’s more than familiar with the heartache David Rhodes leaves behind and she’s disgusted that he left his poor young woman with child. Grace invites Mary Jo to be part of their Christmas celebration. The young girl reluctantly agrees and is very glad she did when a handsome EMT firefighter comes to her rescue. Perhaps, this Christmas won’t be so bad after all.

Debbie Macomber does it again! This is a beautiful Christmas story which has everything from romance to all your favorite Cedar Cove characters, plus a few new ones. I’m so hoping we get another story with Mary Jo and her bumbling brothers. They are all wonderful characters. This is a fast-paced story that I could see becoming a yearly tradition.

For reading challenges: Series Challenge 3, Read Your own Book

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Booking through Thursday - Where Do You Keep Unread Books?

Follow-up to last week’s question:

Do you keep all your unread books together, like books in a waiting room? Or are they scattered throughout your shelves, mingling like party-goers waiting for the host to come along?

My Answer: All of my unread books are together. I have a separate stack of books that I've read and I also have books that I read stored in my basement. These days I'm trying not to keep too many books that I've already read. I rarely re-read, so there's no point in keeping everything. I'll either put them up for trade on PBS or Bookmooch or possibly save some for book giveaways here. Simply because I just don't have the room for them all anymore.

As for the unreads, they are boxed up in big tubs in my guest room and some are downstairs in the den. That way I can be sick when I see all that I still have to read, as I yell at myself for getting more (not that it stops me).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tracking Your Books

With the recent loss of my database,I'm just wondering, how does everyone keep track of their books? I've been using an Excel spreadsheet which has all my books - this goes back for years. I also use Library Thing, Shelfari and Goodreads. None of the online sites have my complete lists because there's just too many books in my TBR for me to start adding everything. I add them as I go along. I don't really use LT much because after 200 books, you have to pay. The other sites let me list unlimited amounts of books for free.

So, what I'm wondering is what you use? I know we've discussed this before but there are many new bloggers out there and some of the "veteran" bloggers out there who might have a system that I'd like to adopt.

The good thing with my Excel sheet is that all the titles remained, but the authors, date published and my ratings (for those I read) are gone. Many books have the same title, which can be frustrating. I did keep my ratings of books I read in a written journal which I still have. I can recreate it but it's a monumental task that I just don't feel like doing, to be honest :) Maybe in the winter I'll be more into it.

Anyway, how do you all keep track of your books? Online? Spreadsheets? Handwritten journals? Inquiring minds want to know!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

8 Sandpiper Way by Debbie Macomber

Genre: Romance

The residents of 8 Sandpiper Way have their problems. Emily Fleming is sure her husband, Dave, is having an affair. He might be the local pastor, but that doesn’t stop her from suspecting the worst. Then, she discovers Dave has several pieces of jewelry that belonged to an old woman who recently passed away. A woman that Dave had paid many visits to in the days before her death. The woman’s family is now seeking retribution and demanding an arrest be made. It leaves Emily wondering if she really knows her husband at all.

Things are happening all over Cedar Cove as other citizens have their troubles too. Sheriff Troy Davis wants nothing more than to reunite with his lost love, Faith, but his concern for his daughter is interfering with his good intentions.

There’s also Bruce and Rachel, who have suddenly moved up their wedding date, much to the dismay of his young daughter, Jolene. Not to mention catching up with Teri and Bobby Polgar who are expecting their first child, Judge Olivia and her husband Jack who are dealing with cancer, as well as seeing teenager Tanni Bliss help a young artist make his way in the world.

8 Sandpiper Way has all your favorite Cedar Cove characters. This series is a pure delight. It’s always such a joy to revisit characters that have become friends to the faithful readers of this series. Debbie Macomber never fails to disappoint with her beautiful writing style.

For reading challenges:

Series Challenge 3
Read Your Own Book

Blog Tour: A Worthy Legacy by Tomi Akinyanmi

Genre: Non-Fiction

Tomi Akinyanmi tells the story of her grandfather’s last words, wisdom and insights into life. Insights many of us know, but often forget in our day-to-day lives.

The one insight that stays with me…something I often forget, live each day the best you can. Don’t fret about tomorrow, live for today. I know I often waste my time worrying in anticipation of one crisis or another that actually never happens.

The book begins with Ms. Akinyanmi making her way to her family home in a small community in Nigeria. She’s been called home to say goodbye to her ailing grandfather. We get a vivid look at the traditions and customs of her family and community, as well as the respect paid to the older members.

“A Worthy Legacy” is a beautiful remembrance to a man who obviously meant the world to his family. At the same time, it provides many of us with life affirmations to help guide us in our daily living. The love the family feels for the older man seeps through each page of this book.

I do hope many of you get a chance to read this lovely book. It might just make you see your own life in a different light and help you through the difficult times, as well as be there in the good times.

A very big thank you to Tomi Akinyanmi for sending this book to me and allowing me to be part of this great blog tour!

Check out the author’s websites:

Here is the schedule for other sites holding blog tours for this wonderful book...

The Eclectic Reader**
July 14th

My thoughts….your thoughts**
July 15

July 15th

Grace’s Book Blog**
July 16
July 16th

The Friendly book nook
July 17

Just Another New Blog
July 17

I’m on a bookathon **

Simply Stacie

Real page turners

Booksnake reviews

The Bookworm

*Because this book left such a huge impression on me, I'm giving it the Socrates' Book Review Great Book Alert award!

Blog Tour: A Worthy Legacy Awards

A Worthy Legacy has been honored with several awards.

The Young Voices Foundation has just announced the winners of its 2009 Young Voices Awards. A Worthy Legacy won the Silver Award in the Inspirational/Spiritual Category. This is the Fourth award won by A Worthy Legacy.

The other awards are

Second position in the Inspirational/Spiritual Category of the 2008 Reader Views Literary Award

Second position in the Young Adult Non-fiction category of the 2008 Reader Views Literary Award

Top Book Awards by Black Pearls Magazine sponsored by EDC Creations.

Congratulations Tomi! This is a wonderful accomplishment.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Mailbox Monday July 13th

It was a good week for me. Here's what my lovely mailperson brought me :)

French Kiss by Susan Johnson
Getting Warmer by Carol Snow
Miss Understanding by Stephanie Lessing
Where the Heart Is by Billie Letts
Just Sex by Susan Kay Law
Murder Talks Turkey by Deb Baker
8th Confession by James Patterson

If you'd like to play along on Mailbox Monday, just click the button at the top of this post.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Musing Mondays - Book Covers

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about book covers…

We all know the old adage about not judging a book by it’s cover, but just how much sway does a book cover have when it comes to your choice of book – whether buying or borrowing? Are there any books you’ve bought based on the cover alone?

I love book covers! For some odd reason I love book covers with snow, beaches or water on it. I have no idea why. LOL But...I don't buy a book based on the covers. I make a list each month of what I want and I get those regardless of whether or not I like the covers.

I do admit that sometimes, when aimlessly browsing the bookstores, I see a cover that I like, I'll get the book even if it wasn't on my list. I can't think of which books they were, but I do know it has happened.

Being a romance reader many of the books can be quite explicit and I hate that. It makes it awkward to read a book in public.

Besides the snow and beaches covers, I also like the cartoon type of book covers. Some of them, not all. Some are just silly. I'm not big on the covers with people embracing each other, unless done tastefully.

I don't really like to generalize book covers. Overall, I don't buy based on the book cover, but if something strikes my fancy, I'll get it.

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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sunday Salon - Summer is here!

Summer is here and I've already completed 4 books in July...this is really good for me. This week I finished Dial Emmy for Murder by Eileen Davidson and Multiple Choice by Claire Cook. I already posted both reviews. I, also, completed the Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge, so I'm happy about that.

I decided to cut back on alot of my reviews. I still do them, but I'm very choosy about what I review now. This has given me more time to just read whatever I want and I find I enjoy reading more like this.

On a disappointing note - my Excel spreadsheet of my TBR was ruined and I'm trying to reconstruct it (remember my TBR is the one that numbers in the 1000's - this is an impossible feat). I'm really sick about that and I'm not sure I have the patience or desire to get this back. I'd rather spend the time reading.

I still have two book giveaways going on. They both end July 24th, so there's still time to enter. Just go to the sidebar and click on the covers.

On July 14th, I'm hosting a blog tour for "A Worthy Legacy" by Tomi Akinyanmi - a wonderful book.

I just began reading "8 Sandpiper Way" by Debbie Macomber. It's the 8th book in her Cedar Cove series. I love this series! I'm trying to catch up before the 9th book is released in September. I have "8 Sandpiper Way" to finish and then there's "A Cedar Cove Christmas". Not exactly beach reads, but they are books I want to read :)

Has your summer reading gotten off to a good start?

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Cozy Mystery 2009 Challenge Wrap Up

I just completed this challenge. The challenge was to read 6 cozies in 6 months. I love the cozy genre, so I couldn't resist joining this one. Below are the books I read, click on the links to read my reviews of each. I enjoyed all the books I read. Cozies rarely, if ever, disappoint me :)

I will definitely participate in this one again.

1. Murder of a Real Bad Boy by Denise Swanson Click here for review
2. Murder of a Botoxed Blonde by Denise Swanson Click here for review
3. Dirty Deeds by Suzanne Price Click for review
4. Dial Emmy for Murder by Eileen Davidson Click for review
5. Death in Daytime by Eileen Davidson Click here for review
6. Even Cat Sitters Get The Blues by Blaize Clement Click for review

Dial Emmy for Murder by Eileen Davidson

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Alexis Peterson is back and so is another dead body.

Recently, the popular daytime actress switched soap operas and now stars on “The Bare and the Brazen”. She had been one of the stars of “The Yearning Tide”, but when her fellow co-stars are so quick to believe she was capable of murder, she knew she couldn’t continue on the show.

She agrees to be a presenter at the Daytime Emmy Awards, but once she is onstage, her co-presenter falls down on her head or should I say he’s hanging over head. Very much dead and dripping blood all over Alexis.

Alexis’ new boyfriend Detective Frank Jakes is on the job investigating the murder. He quickly clears Alexis of any suspicion of murder, but holds everyone else in the room for questioning and declares they are all suspects. When Jakes discovers several other young actors, all of them with soap opera connections, were murdered in the same manner, he asks Alexis for her assistance in this investigation.

The detective receives quite a bit of flack from his superiors about involving a civilian in a murder investigation, but he doesn’t care. He insists Alexis be part of this. Meanwhile, Alexis is being followed by an irate ex-husband, who is desperate to see their daughter. She fears he doesn’t have their daughter’s best interests at heart and intends to protect her child at all costs.

When Alexis’ own life is in danger, she doesn’t know which is worse – investigating a murder or dealing with an ex-husband.

This is the second book in Eileen Davidson’s “A Soap Opera Mystery” series. Overall, I really enjoyed reading these books, although the first one was my favorite.

I tend to think these books are written as spoofs more than a traditional cozy mystery. As a soap opera watcher myself, I’m familiar with Ms. Davidson’s work on Days of Our Lives and I see traits of her character from that show in this book. Otherwise, I’d have a hard time believing a detective would purposely involve a civilian, a woman he supposedly loved no less, take such an active part in a murder investigation. Not to mention that he compromised evidence and pretty much seemed incompetent at his job, to me. LOL

“Dial Emmy for Murder” really is a funny, quick read and I enjoyed it. I intend to read the next one, which, from the excerpt after this book, takes place around Halloween. This should really be fun.

For reading challenge: Cozy Mystery

Multiple Choice by Claire Cook

Genre: Chick Lit

March Monroe sacrificed her own desires for a career to raise her family. Now that the children are grown, March’s husband Jeff encourages her to go back to school and get her degree. March is delighted and takes him up on the offer. One person she doesn’t tell is her college-aged daughter, Olivia. She fears her daughter would not be happy to find her mother sharing the same classes she is taking.

As part of the curriculum, March has to do an internship. To her shock, she finds herself interning at a radio station with Olivia. Needless to say, Olivia is beyond shocked, not to mention very angry. They are further thrown together when they are asked to host their own radio call-in show “I’m Rubber, You’re Glue”. The mother and daughter team are in a constant battle with each other.

I enjoyed Claire Cook’s Summer Blowout, but I was a bit disappointed in this one. This was an audio version of the book and I couldn’t drum up any sympathy for any of the characters. Olivia was an obnoxious, mean-spirited girl who quickly grated on my every nerve. March had great qualities, but she allowed herself to be everyone’s doormat – her family and even one of her clients takes horrible advantage of her. This story had so much potential but really fell flat for me. It won’t stop me from reading books by this author, though. Since I enjoyed Summer Blowout so much, I figure this one just wasn’t my cup of tea.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Friday Fill-In #132

1. The last thing I ate was chocolate and soda.

2. Books are something I recently bought.

3. When it rains, it won't stop!

4. My cat was the first person I talked to today. (It's early, nobody else is up!)

5. Hugs are free of charge.

6. My cats and husband provide extra comfort.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to chilling out, tomorrow my plans include getting a haircut and grocery shopping and Sunday, I want to catch up on movies!

If you'd like to play along with Friday Fill Ins, just click the button at the top of this post.

Comments by

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Booking through Thursday - Unread

This week's question...

An idea I got from The Toddled Dredge (via K for Kat). Here’s what she said:

“So here today I present to you an Unread Books Challenge. Give me the list or take a picture of all the books you have stacked on your bedside table, hidden under the bed or standing in your shelf – the books you have not read, but keep meaning to. The books that begin to weigh on your mind. The books that make you cover your ears in conversation and say, ‘No! Don’t give me another book to read! I can’t finish the ones I have!’ “

My answer...

As I've said in the past, my TBR numbers in the 1000's, so it's impossible for me to list all my unread books right here, but these are the ones I'm most anxious to read in the near future. Not that I will necessarily get to them in the near future, but the ones I'm pushing to get read soon :)

By James Patterson:

All the Women's Murder Club books from #6 through #8.
The Quickie

By Janet Evanovich:

All the Stephanie Plum books from #14 through #15 (includes Plum Spooky)

8 Sandpiper Way by Debbie Macomber

If you'd like to play along with Booking through Thursday, just click the button at the top of this post.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Thingers - Social Networking

Welcome to another week of Tuesday Thingers! We always love to hear from regular participants as well as new people.

Christine over at Erotic Book Junkies / Romantic Crush Junkies actually gave me the idea for this post a while back. There are so many wonderful resources available to us as bloggers and individuals. Take a look at just a few of the many social networking sites: Facebook, MySpace, Library Thing, GoodReads, Twitter. . . the list can go on and on!

Sometimes it is hard to keep up with everything, and sometimes we all need a place just for us - where we don't have any blogger responsibilities.

Questions: How do you feel about social networking sites? Do you have any you like more than others? Are there any you don't like? Do you have any that you don't associate with your blogs and/or book reviewing? If you could only belong to one of these sites, which one would it be and why?

My Answer: I belong to many of the social networking sites - My Space, Facebook, Goodreads, Shelfari, Library Thing, Twitter. I liked all of them at first, but then it just took up too much of my valuable time. I keep thinking, instead of playing around on these sites, I could be reading. My favorite book site might be Shelfari. I like that you can add an unlimited amount of books to your shelf and they have several great groups. I joined the groups, but end up not participating because of time.

I don't have any that I dislike. If I don't use it, it's because of the time factor. Not because of the sites themselves. I'm trying to cut back on some of the things I do. I, also, belong to many Yahoo groups for my various interests and that takes up time too. I love the Yahoo groups because the messages all come to my email and I get so many great recommendations from readers with the same interests as mine.

Basically, I'm trying to keep it down to Yahoo groups and blogging. Those are the two places I get ideas of future reads from.

If you'd like to play along with Tuesday Thingers, just click the button at the top of this post.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Musing Mondays - Library Visits

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about library company…

Who, if anyone usually accompanies you to the library? Is it somewhere you go alone? Or is it a regular outing with family or friends? Which do you prefer?

My answer...

For the most part, I go on my own. I don't have kids, it's just me and my husband. Once in awhile he'll go with me because we use the library primarily for DVDs and he likes to pick some out too. Overall, he'll leave it to me what to get. My answer is pretty short and sweet :)

If you'd like to play along with Musing Mondays, just click the button at the top of this post.

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