Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Foodie's Read 2013 Challenge

I'm starting to put together my reading challenges for 2013. I definitely won't be joining as many as I used to, but there are a few that have already caught my interest. I'm going to join up with the Foodie's Read 2013 reading challenge. Many of the cozy mysteries I read are set around some type of food. So, this should be fun.

Here are the details...

Many of us who love to eat also love to read. But we go beyond that. We love to read about food. If that is you, then you are invite to join us in the Foodies Read Challenge for 2013. This is the second year in which we’ll indulge ourselves with good food writing.

If you are new to a food/reading challenge, you may be wondering – what is a “food book”? A food book is a book which is centered around food and/or drinks. That could be a cookbook, a food biography or memoir, a non-fiction book focused around a specific food, wine, chef or restaurant. Also allowed is a fictional story in which food plays a major role.

Here’s how the challenge works:
1. Decide how many food books you want to read in 2013. Pick one of the reading levels below. Remember, this is a challenge, so try pushing yourself.

Short-Order Cook: 1 to 3 books
Pastry Chef: 4 to 8 books
Sous-Chef: 9 to 13 books
Chef de Cuisine: 14 to 18
Cordon-Bleu Chef: More than 19

Vicki from I'd Rather Be At the Beach Reading is hosting this and she set up a great blog for this challenge. Just click here, if you'd like to join us.

I'm going with the Short-Order Cook level and will list my books here:

1.  Topped Chef by Lucy Burdette (Click here to read my review.)

2.  Steamed to Death by Peg Cochran (Click here to read my review.)

3.  Pinot Envy by Edward Finstein (Click here to read my review.)


  1. This is too cute! I may well join this challenge (as a short order cook). I just got a brilliant "foodie" book, Jamie Oliver's Great Britain.

  2. This sounds like a fun challenge, happy reading :)


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