Friday, November 15, 2024

2025 Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge - Sign Up


I'm happy to announce that I'm back with the Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge.  I took it over in 2021 from Tina at Reading Between the Pages.  
I'm always feeling like my Netgalley and Edelweiss shelves are getting out of hand and thought this challenge would help me out alot.   Keep reading for all the info...

Welcome to the 
NetGalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge!

What the challenge is all about…

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the number of NetGalley/Edelweiss books sitting on your shelf to be read?
Have you lost your 80% rating and would love to get it back?
Do you want to challenge yourself to read more NetGalley/Edelweiss books?
Do you need extra inspiration to achieve that next badge?

If the answer is “YES” to any of these questions then this is the challenge for you!

Challenge guidelines… 

  • The challenge runs from January 1, 2025 – December 31, 2025. There is no deadline to sign up.
  • Everyone is welcome to participate – you do not need to have a blog.
  • Any genre, release date, length, etc. counts – it just needs to be a book from NetGalley or Edelweiss.
  • Books can count for more than one challenge that you are participating in.
  • The first day of each month I will post a monthly “link-up” for you to link your reviews. If you forget one month, no worries, just catch up the next month.
  • Questions: Feel free to leave a comment below.

The Levels…

Bronze – 10 Books

Silver – 25 Books

Gold – 50 Books

Platinum – 75 Books

Diamond – 100 Books

To sign-up…

  • Make a blog post stating the level you intend to read in 2025 and link that blog post to Mr. Linky below.  The first Link should be your name, the url should be the direct link to that blog post, not your main blog page.
  • If you do not have a blog then state your reading level in the comments below and how you will be sharing your book reviews.
  • Last but not least, be sure to come back every month and link in those reviews. This is really the hardest part – remember to do the monthly “link-ups”! 

I'm looking forward to another fun year of reading!

*This challenge was created by Emily@Falling for YA, then moved to Katrina@Bookish Things & More (site no longer available), then moved to  Reading Between the Pages and now resides here at Socrates Book Reviews.

I'm signing up for the Silver level at 25 books.  I'll be listing my books here as I read them...

1.  Family Doctor by J.M. Dalgliesh (Click here to read my review.)

2.  She Doesn't Have A Clue by Jenny Elder Moke (Click here to read my review.)

3.  Let's Call Her Barbie by Renee Rosen (Click here to read my review.)

4.  Star-Crossed Egg Tarts by Jennifer J. Chow (Click here to read my review.)

5.  Make Yourself At Home by Wendy Clarke (Click here to read my review.)

6.  Mortal Zin by Diane Schaffer (Click here to read my review.)





















  1. Did not complete last year, nor did I do a good job at posting those I completed. I will again try to achieve Silver level.

    Thank you for hosting this challenge once again.

  2. I chose Silver last year, and I read 45 books and reviewed 43. This year I am choosing Silver again, and am going to try and be better about linking up reviews. :)

  3. I needed to pay better attention last year--missed it by one. yeah, so i'll stay with 50 again.


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