Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday/Monday Posts - November 9th and 10th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, it is now a Facebook group.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. This is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I'm also linking to  Stacking The Shelves which is hosted by Team Tynga's Reviews

Happy Sunday and Monday! 

It's getting cold out there!  The perfect weather to cuddle up and read.

I finished a couple of books and I'm almost finished listening to all the books in the Women's Murder Club.  Once I finish Unlucky 13, I will actually complete the Finishing the Series Reading Challenge for the first time.  It's kind of humorous since I'm the host of the challenge and have never completed it.  I signed up to complete two series and that's what I will have completed.  I've definitely decided to host this challenge next year, too.  I'm not sure what series I'll finish but I have quite a few to choose from.  Seems like I read the first or second of a series and never get around to finishing them.

I will be hosting all three challenges that I've been hosting for the last few years - Finishing the Series, Cruisin' with the Cozies, and What An Animal reading challenges.  I will post the sign ups in the next few days or at the latest next weekend.  I will sign up for other 2015 reading challenges, but not many.  Just a couple that I always enjoy doing.

I'm up to 92 books read in 2014.  I set my goal at Goodreads for 100, so I only have 8 more books to go.  I'm pretty sure I'll make my goal.  It's been a long time since I got to 100 books in one year.  I used to be able to do that with no problem, then I started to slow down.  This year was a good reading one for me - probably because I was laid off last year and had more reading time.  Now, I'm working again so I'm sure I'll be slowing down in 2015, but we'll see.  You never know.

I'm even managing to catch up on my TV shows.  Does anyone watch Revenge?  I've really been hooked on it lately.

Other than that, not much new to report this week.  How have you all been?  Read anything good?  Watch anything good?

I hope you all have a great week and read many great books.


Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways 
I Hosted

Posts This Week

Tuesday:   Teaser Tuesdays/First Chapter Tuesdays

Wednesday:  Waiting on Wednesday

Friday:  The Friday 56
              Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun Blog Hop

I finished reading...

I'm currently reading...

I finished listening to...

I'm currently listening to...

Next up...

What was your week like? What are you reading this week?


  1. If the Shoe Kills is next up for me as well. So far I've enjoyed her 2 previous books so I'm hoping the series stays likable. Great job on finishing 2 series this year! It is funny that this is the first time you've completed the challenge that you host. Have a great week!

  2. Happy reading :D I should get reading too

  3. Congrats on meeting your series challenge. I need to sign up for that one--it would be a nice goal for me for 2015. I've cut back on my overall reading goals the past 2 years. I also used to have no problem reading 100 books a year--that was before I started blogging. I hope to make it back to the 100 mark in the future.

    I used to watch Revenge, but stopped about 2 seasons ago. I really enjoyed it, but I seem to have a personal limit on the number of seasons I commit to for any show. Same thing happened to me with Grey's Anatomy. I think I just get bored after awhile--no reflection on the show itself.

    My Sunday post:

  4. Once Upon a Crime looks good...and I want to read more of the Women's Murder Club books...I read a few one year while doing a challenge. And I loved the TV series that was on, too briefly.

    I haven't seen Revenge, but I've been tempted by the previews. It's probably too late to start!

    Enjoy your week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES

  5. I am horrible when it comes to starting series and then not finishing them. Really, really bad about it but I'm working on finishing series. LOL! It sounds like you had a great week of reading, I hope this one goes just as well for you! Happy Sunday!

  6. It is getting cold! We're having a very chilly weekend here. And snow is possible next week- nooooo. :)

    I see that Once Upon A Crime is set in Michigan- cool! A fictional town, but still... I hope it's good. Happy reading to you!

  7. Happy reading, Yvonne! I hope to read this evening. I hope you're enjoying Once Upon a Crime. It's still warm here in Southern CA, but it should get a bit cooler soon. Have a great reading week!

  8. You are so close to your reading goal! Hard to believe it is time to think about next year's reading challenges. I am behind on the Women's Murder Club series.

  9. I hadn't heard of Once Upon A Crime so I'm off to check it out! Well done on (almost) reading your Goodreads goal. I'm not sure I'll reach mine…. alas.

  10. I'm glad you're going to continue hosting your challenges. I will def sign up for the series one and may do the other two. Although I need to scale back on challenges next year; I had too many this year. That's funny that you haven't completed your own challenge but I could see that being me so easily. :D

    If the Shoe Kills looks promising; I hope you like it.

    Have a good week!

  11. I wish you would send the cold this way.

  12. You're close to your goal. Good luck :)

    Here's mine:

  13. You'll definitely hit your goal before the end of the year :-)
    New Follower.
    Kirsty xx

  14. Sounds like you are having a banner reading year!

    Happy reading!
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

  15. Wow!! Definitely a toss up for some really good ones so thanks for sharing!


    I hope to see you around my blog :)

  16. Oooh, I have Suede to Rest on my TBR list! Cozy Mysteries are sort of my "reward" books, so I can't wait to read that one!

  17. I'm much better at starting series than finishing them too. With all the review books on my stack, I don't have reading time to catch up on non-review books. Here is my week. Happy reading!

  18. Great week for you. The Women's Murder Club sounds good.

    I haven't read a Jame Patterson book for ages. Thanks for the reminder.

    ENJOY your week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading


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