Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Friday, November 27, 2015

Craving for Cozies Challenge 2016 Sign Up

This is the second challenge I'm signing up for 2016. I can't refuse a cozy challenge. I certainly read enough of them :) This one is hosted by Lori at Escape With Dollycas.

Here are the details...

The challenge runs from January 1, 2016 and ends December 31, 2016


1. Choose the level you wish to participate:


Famished – 1 – 10 Cozy Mysteries
Starving – 11 – 20 Cozy Mysteries
Satisfied – 21 – 40 Cozy Mysteries
Almost Full – 41 – 60 Cozy Mysteries
Completely Stuffed – 61 or more
2. You can Feed Your Need To Read with print, digital or audio books.

3. You do not have to post a review but the authors would appreciate it if you did. If you need help just let me know.

4. You do not need to have a blog to participate.

Just keep track any way you wish and enter a link below if available or sign up in the comment section. You can even set up a special shelf on to help you keep track! Your can also participate via Facebook. You can find the Event here.

5. If you do have a blog, take the button above, put it on your blog and post about the challenge. Then add your name to Mr. Linky below. Please use the link of your challenge post, not the link to your home page.

6. Follow Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book as there may be special announcements made about the challenge.

7. Please share with us the books you are reading all year long by leaving comments on this page or on the Event page on Facebook.

I'm going to go with the Famished level, although we all know I will read more than ten cozies, but between this and my own Cruisin' thru the Cozies challenge, I should be all set for 2016.

I will keep track of my progress here...

1. Stabbing in the Senate by Colleen J. Shogan (Click here to read my review.)

2.  Sweet Pepper Hero by J.J. Cook (Click here to read my review.)

3.  A Talent for Murder by Teresa LaRue (Click here to read my review.)

4.  Killer Run by Lynn Cahoon (Click here to read my review.)

5.  Engaged to Danger by Barbara Venkataraman (Click here to read my review)

6.  Murder on Wheels by Lynn Cahoon (Click here to read my review.)

7.  By Book or by Crook by Eva Gates (Click here to read my review.)

8.  Booked for Trouble by Eva Gates (Click here to read my review.)

9.  The Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum by Kirsten Weiss (Click here to read my review)

10.  Murder with a Twist by Tracy Kiely (Click here to read my review.)

1 comment:

  1. I am looking forward to this challenge. I would like to enter at the Satisfied level.


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