Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Weekend Review - August 22nd-24th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, it is now being hosted by Deb at Readerbuzz.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a meme with a new host!  It's now being hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. This is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I'm also linking to  Stacking The Shelves which is hosted by Team Tynga's Reviews.

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Another quiet week for me.   The weather continues to be hot and humid.  Although we briefly thought we might get one of two tropical storms, but they are going away from us.  I hope both storms go out to sea and doesn't effect anyone.  We've all gone through enough to last a lifetime.

My blog has still been busy with blog tours.  It looks like I managed to fully schedule myself through September.  I'm trying to taper off after I fulfill all my commitments.  We'll see how that goes.  LOL 

I have a Christmas romance coming up with a release date of September 8th.  It's a bit early for a Christmas book, but the release date is early and I promised to review it.  So, I'll be having Christmas in August :)  Why not?

There's not much else to talk about these days.  The numbers for the virus seem to be going down in our area but they still aren't very good.  For the most part, we are still staying home.  We have gone out a little bit but with social distancing.

So, what has been going on in your part of the world these days?  Read anything good?  Watch or see anything good?

I hope everyone has a great week! Take care and stay safe!

Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways 
I Hosted

Sunday:  Review:  Fowl Murder by Victoria Tait (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Monday:  Spotlight:  The Key Lime Crime by Lucy Burdette (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Wednesday:  Spotlight:  Three Treats Too Many by Debra H. Goldstein (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Thursday:  Spotlight:  Knot of This World by Mary Marks (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Saturday: Review: Wrecked By Rum by Lucy Lakestone

Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways Coming Up Next Week

Sunday:  Spotlight:  Master of Illusion by Nupur Tustin (Blog Tour/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Monday:  Review:  When I Was You by Amber Garzer (Blog Tour)

Tuesday:  Spotlight:  Cat Me If You Can by Miranda James (Blog Tour)

Wednesday:  Feature:  His Brand of Justice by Delores Fossen (Blog Tour)

Thursday:  Review:  Hidden by Laura Griffin (Blog Tour)

Friday:  Book Blast:  Sneaky's Summer Mystery by Debbie DeLouise (Blog Tour)

Posts last week:

Tuesday:  First Chapter Tuesday/Teaser Tuesday

Friday: Friendly Fill Ins

Friday: Book Beginnings on Friday/The Friday 56

I'm currently reading...

I finished reading ...

I'm planning to read this one next...

Here are this week's Kindle freebie haul. They were freebies when I got them, I don't know if they still are. Always make sure to check they are still free before buying. The prices change quickly.  

Blog Tours and Reviews coming up soon...


  1. Pretty much staying home here too mostly. The months seem to zoom by but not much happens! Glad the storm seems to be moving away from you guys. Hopefully you don't have any bad effects from it.

    The Sofie Kelly book looks fun. :)

  2. I think it’s never to early for Christmas! 😁 It sounds like a fun read.. enjoy!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  3. Every day may be Christmas for me! So yay for Christmas in September! I already bought a nice Christmas sweater last week lol.

  4. Christmas in August sounds fun. And I keep telling myself to schedule posts ahead, but I am terrible at it. Stay safe!

  5. Yay! I love quiet weeks! Mine was a bit busy but today I am resting!

    I tried really hard at the beginning of the year to tapper off my grabbing of review books and it worked for a while! LOL :)

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  6. I hope the numbers keep declining, Yvonne, so that you can get your life back to some sort of normality. Have a safe, peaceful week!

  7. I'm glad things are looking better for you as far as the hurricanes are concerned, Yvonne. Yesterday, the hurricanes were both aimed directly at us here in Texas, but I think they might have moved a bit from that now. Oh boy. Two hurricanes.

    I like the idea of reading a Christmas book right now. If we ever get a vaccine for the virus, we should have a day of celebration, to thank all the people who have sacrificed so much during this time.

    I'm hoping The Good Place will be shown on Netflix. I've heard it might, but I haven't heard anything yet. We are watching old Seinfelds. They are cheery.

    Have a good week.

  8. I think Christmas in August is a great idea! I think this year, I must line up a few Christmas books way in advance.

    I'll keep an eye out for your upcoming reviews, A few books I might be interested in!

    Enjoy your week!

    Elza Reads

  9. I can’t even think as far ahead as Christmas right now to be honest, I’m just trying to make it through the week mostly.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. Glad to hear the numbers are going down, hopefully one day it’ll eventually go.

    I like the sound of Christmas in August, the way this year is going I’m expecting snow early!

  11. I've seen Wrecked by Rum on someone else's list. What a wickedly funny title. I attempt to read but find I am pretty distracted so I keep pulling out the poetry volumes. One or two poems help calm my soul in their turbulent times. My Sunday Post full of good news, and funny stuff

  12. Good luck with your book tours! Glad the numbers are going down in your area. Ours are going down but the rate of positive tests is too high. It's also been hot and a bit muggy our way too. And we're getting smoke from the California fires so it's hard to make it outside to get a little fresh air! I hope you have a great week.

  13. I've been posting so many tours. It's all I have time for some weeks. It is a fun way to find new reads too. Those tropical storms appear to be going West of us but that means we'll be on the East side, which is the worst for rain and wind. Crossing my fingers it stays farther from us.

  14. Staying home has become the new normal for me. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  15. Wow, you have quite an eclectic group of books, and they all look good. I am waiting for a copy of Confessions on the 7:45.

    Enjoy! Here are my WEEKLY UPDATES

  16. It seems to be a publishing ploy to get Christmas themed books out early. And then of course reviewers are reading them even earlier. Maybe they want them bought for Christmas presents!

  17. I started a cozy mystery yesterday that isn't really a Christmas book but it is set around Christmas time and it feels to early. My first real Christmas book is next month (which I think is too early still).

  18. I meant to sign up for a book tour, never got an assigned date (or missed the response), and then forgot all about it until the day after it ended! So good for you for keeping to your commitments!
    I recommend two books in my "It's Monday" post today -- Afterlife by Julia Alvarez in print and Eight Perfect Murders by Peter Swanson on audio. Three, I guess, if you count The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory on audio, which I just finished! Love all of Jasmine Guillory's books!


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