Sunday, February 19, 2012

Sunday Salon - February 19th

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It's crazy - I can't believe we're almost in March. Time is really speeding by. My reading isn't speeding by, though. I don't think I'm reading as much as I would like, but I'm enjoying everything I read so I guess that can't be a bad thing. I've always only read one book at a time, but right now, I'm reading two.

I'm currently reading a romance...

and a mystery...

I'm not a big fan of having more than one book going at a time (unless one is an audio), but I started reading Shiver on Valentine's Day since it's a romance but I didn't have much reading time this week so I'm only halfway through. I'm more in a mystery frame of mind so I decided to go ahead and start the next one on my list.

I watched a couple of movies this week, too. One is Straw Dogs which stars one of my favorite True Blood vampires, Alexander Skarsgård. It was a great suspense/ thriller type of movie. As usual with these types of movies there were quite a few "cringe worthy" moments, but I still thought it was great.

Also saw Dolphin's Tale which was very touching. The last movie was Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I didn't expect it to be good, but I thought it was. Three good movies in a row...I'm on a roll.

A TV show I'm really liking these days is A Gifted Man with Patrick Wilson. It's about a successful surgeon who is being followed by his dead ex-wife. Only he can see and talk to her. It's really a great show.

I'm off to catch up on my reading and TV shows (before my TiVo explodes with all the shows I've been saving to watch.) I hope everyone has a great week!

Don't forget to enter my two book giveaways - click the covers in my sidebar!!!

funny pictures - SUNDAY
see more Lolcats and funny pictures, and check out our Socially Awkward Penguin lolz!


  1. Happy Sunday, Yvonne! A Gifted Man sounds like a great show.

  2. Happy Sunday. My reading has been slow this month as well, but I do think it's quality not quantity that counts.
    That's a spicy cover on Shiver!
    Happy reading.

  3. Hi Yvonne,

    We haven't been to the cinema for ages, but hubbie was only just saying that there are a couple of good films coming out soon that he wouldn't mind watching. I know that if he wants to see them, then they are sure to be thrillers with plenty of action and violence. I do know that one stars Denzel Washington, so that is always the sign of a good film for me.

    I am reading a mystery at the moment, a historical railway mystery, featuring a character called 'Jim Stringer - Steam Detective'. The book is called 'Th Lost Luggage Porter' and is one in a series of books by Andrew Martin.

    If you are tempted by romance books as well right now, then there is a post up on my site which might interest you, about a free download offer on a different romantic fiction book, each day throughout February.

    Enjoy your reading and take it easy.



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