Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Review: Virtually Scared To Death by Gillian Larkin

Cozy Mystery



Release Date:

Synopsis from Goodreads:

A Short Murder Mystery

Julia Blake’s First Murder Mystery. You can get free copies of the next two stories in this series by signing up to my newsletter

Julia Blake runs her own cleaning business.
The first time she sees a dead body is when she discovers one of her clients, Mark Castle, lying dead on the floor of his luxury apartment.
She remembers things that Mark mentioned to her a few days before his death, things he was worried about.
A bottle of pills is lying open at Mark’s side, but they’re not his usual ones.
And why is his computer playing a continuous game?
Julia soon suspects that Mark was murdered. He was a good friend and she is determined to find out who killed him.

My Review

I’ve been wanting to read Gillian Larkin’s cozy mysteries for awhile. Finally, I had a chance. This is a good one. It had everything – it’s a complete story with character development. Many clues to lead you to the killer, but I have to admit, I didn’t realize it until the end of the story.

It’s well written with nicely developed characters. I loved Julia and want to read more books with her as our main amateur sleuth. She’s good…a bit nosy for her own good, but what amateur sleuth isn’t?

I really enjoyed this bite-sized cozy mystery. It’s especially nice to have this “small” sized story when you are between books. I felt like I was reading a full-sized book, which means the short size didn’t hurt any aspect of this book. I can’t wait to read the next one.

Overall, it’s a quick read with great characters and an intriguing plot.

Disclosure: This was an e-book freebie. All opinions expressed are my own.

For reading challenges:
2016 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge
2016 Cloak & Dagger Reading Challenge


  1. This sounds good and like one I could squeeze in anytime so it wouldn't just land on the endless TBR. Glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Wonderful review! Great characters are essential to a great story. :)


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