Saturday, December 16, 2017

Review: A Cinderella Christmas Carol by Hope Tarr (Suddenly Cinderella, #1.5)



Entangled: Indulgence

Release Date:
November 28, 2012

Synopsis from Goodreads…

There’s nothing On Top managing editor Cynthia “Starr” Starling hates more than Christmas. With an important deadline looming, plus her dreaded Christmas Day birthday, Starr just wants the holiday to end. But when she wakes up Christmas Eve night to the ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future—all in the form of the super-hot Matt Landry, the new art director—she knows she’s in for a long night.

Matt is the one person on Starr’s team she can’t boss around and the only one she doesn’t need to. He’s also her employee and totally off limits, even if he does seem interested. Though he’s seven years younger and all kinds of forbidden fruit, he’s the form the Powers That Be decided she’d be receptive to.

Because they have a message for her: learn the true meaning of Christmas spirit or risk being alone for the rest of her life.

My Review

Cynthia “Starr” Starling has a reputation with her employees and it’s not a good one. It gets worse around Christmas time since she has a Christmas Day birthday. It makes her hate the holiday even more.

To top it all off, she finds herself attracted to one of her employees, Matt Landry. Not only does he work for her, but he’s a few years younger. He’s definitely off limits, but she can’t help think about him all the time.

Then, on Christmas Eve, Starr gets a visit from the ghost of Christmas Past, Present, and Future. It changes everything.

This is a sweet novella. It’s a quick read, which is nice when everyone is busy this time of year. If you want to step away from the madness of the holiday season for a couple of hours, this book will be a happy escape.

Disclosure: I picked this one up as a freebie for my Kindle. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. That's definitely an interesting alternative to the traditional A Christmas Carol ;)


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