Friday, October 26, 2018

Book Beginnings on Fridays/The Friday 56 - October 26th

This is a fun meme to do hosted by Freda's Voice. If you'd like to join on the fun go to The Friday 56.

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here.

It's that simple.

I'm also joining in Book Beginnings on Friday. It's hosted by Rose City Reader.

I just started reading this one. This is from the E-ARC I'm reading...


Sucker punched. That was the way I described my first few hours in Fairhope.

Friday 56...

From 56% on my Kindle...

"How did you come to get a job here? Did you apply through normal channels?"


  1. Not heard of this one, but I can't help but want to add all cozies to my :)

    Friday Memes

  2. Sounds like a great cozy. This week I am spotlighting A True Cowboy Christmas by Caitlin Crews - from my review stack. Happy reading!

  3. I'm curious for more! Happy weekend!

  4. Yvonne, I hope you'll enjoy your E-ARC cozy!

  5. I haven't heard of this one before. It looks interesting.

  6. Isn't it wonderful that so many cozies feature cats these days? The first line does draw me in.

  7. Sounds interesting. I love the cover too.

  8. I love the cat's expression! It's really glaring at the path skull


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