Sunday, September 7, 2008

Scandal by Julie Kistler

Genre: Romance

Harlequin Blaze #268, August 2006

Jordan Albright teaches the course Scandalous Women 101. She’s doing her dissertation on one of the scandalous women of 1893, Isabella Tempest, who sculpted an arch filled with sexual content. A woman who had defied the beliefs of her time and stood up for herself. Something Jordan didn’t do in her own life, but praised women who took a stand.
Jordan’s fiancé Daniel liked Jordan just as she was. A woman who never made waves and always did what society felt was proper.

As Jordan researched her project, she found herself fantasizing about Isabella’s handsome older brother, Nick. Jordan’s dreams took on a life of their own to the point where she couldn’t stop thinking about him. She even kept pictures of him in her desk. She was falling in love with a man who had been dead for a 100 years.

During Jordan’s research, she discovered Isabella’s arch and suddenly found herself transported to Chicago. Chicago in 1893! She lands at Nick’s feet. He’s beyond shocked at this woman who was dressed in a short skirt and wasn’t wearing a corset. Her toes were even showing and they had paint on them. When Jordan started to speak, it was even worse. She was talking about odd devices like television and was openly discussing sex with him. Women just don’t do that in 1893.

Nick quickly found himself attracted to Jordan and she kept remembering her fantasies. Now, they were coming to life, much to her shock and happiness. However, she didn’t belong in 1893. She simply could not conform to society and wanted to go back to her own time. Talk about a long distance relationship. How could they survive a 100 year time difference?

This story was fun and sassy. There were several very hot scenes. I fell in love with these characters almost immediately. Julie Kistler never disappoints me and this book was no exception. It’s a fast read that leaves you feeling tingly all over.


  1. I finished a Blaze during Gustav. I think it's my first and I really liked it! I think that is book 2 done for the challenge. :)

  2. P.S. Great review btw.

  3. Thanks, J.Kaye. The Blaze line is one of my favorites. Glad you managed to finish one during the storm, but I don't know how you did it :)

  4. I FINALLY got to the meme you tagged me on! Sorry I am so slow! It was a lot of fun!


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