Completed 2013 Reading Challenges

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday/Monday Posts: June 26th and 27th

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

If you'd like to participate with The Sunday Salon, it is now a Facebook group.

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading is a meme with a new host!  It's now being hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. This is where we share what we read this past week, what we hope to read this week…. and anything in between! This is a great way to plan out your reading week and see what others are currently reading as well… you never know where that next “must read” book will come from!

I'm also linking to  Stacking The Shelves which is hosted by Team Tynga's Reviews.

Happy Sunday!

The sun is shining and the weather is absolutely beautiful here.

I've been busy on the blog with blog tours and reviews, but I'm keeping it all at a pace that I can handle. Since we're halfway through the year, I was checking out my challenges.  I'm doing okay, but I think I will be cutting back on challenges alot next year.  I'll keep the two I host and the Goodreads one, but I might not do more than that.  Of course there are still 6 months left in the year and I could (and probably will -LOL) change my mind.

Not much new is going on around here.  I'm reading and even going out of my cozy mystery genre and enjoying romances and women's fiction.  I love listening to Elin Hilderbrand's books.  Talk about beach reads...her books really put me in the summer time mood.

As for TV, I watched the new show American Gothic.  It's okay, but I have to see more of it to know if I'll keep it.  I'm loving The Night Shift.  I still have to get back to Netflix and finish Bloodline and start Orange is the New Black's new season.
So, what's everyone else watching and reading?  Anything good?  I hope you all have a great week!


Blog Tours/Spotlights/Reviews/Giveaways 
I Hosted

Monday:  Blog Tour:  Tea Cups and Carnage by Lynn Cahoon (Review/Tour-Wide Giveaway)

Tuesday:  Review:  The Blue Bistro by Elin Hilderbrand

Wednesday:  Review:  Caught Read-Handed by Terrie Farley Moran

Blog Tours/Hops Coming Up Next Week

Monday:  Showcase:  Dead is Dead by John Lansing

Friday:  Spotlight/Giveaway:  At the Edge of Summer by Jennifer Brockmole

Posts this week

Wednesday:  Waiting on Wednesday

Friday:   Friendly Fill-Ins
              The Friday 56

I'm currently reading...

I'm finished reading...

I'm finished listening to...

I'm currently listening to...

Next few books on my list to read in no particular order....

What was your week like? What are you reading this week?


  1. I love Elin Hilderbrand's books on audio too. In fact I got a physical copy but gave it to my MIL because I prefer audio. Glad your weather is so lovely and you've been enjoying your books!

  2. I got the new Elin Hilderbrand book this week and hope to enjoy soon as I can get to it, once my review books are finished.

    Challenges...yes, I'm only doing one, the Read the Books You Buy Challenge. It's helping me actually read those delicious books I buy. But not fast enough, as the review books take up time.

    Hmm, request fewer review books? Now, there's a thought.

    I loved Bloodline...and have started Season 4 of OITNB...watching more slowly, since bingeing only makes me wish for the next season to come.

    I enjoyed American Gothic, but like you, I'll have to see more to know if it's one I love.


  3. It's been nice here too (and hot). I should get back to the Moran cozys. I won the new Brockmole book Edge of Summer from a Goodreads giveaway and I'm looking to reading it.

  4. Sometimes it's good to jump out of your usual genre and read something else to help not get in a slump, at least that is what I :) Enjoy your reads!

    Week in Review

  5. I'd like to read something by Elin Hilderbrand! Enjoy your reading this week. It's good to explore new reading genres.

  6. These cozies about reading and death are very scary! LOL.

    Enjoy your week!

  7. Lots of great summer reading! I love a good cozy.

    We're watching Bloodline too -- but we're still on season 1.

  8. Hope you enjoy your books. They all look good. Happy reading and have a wonderful week. :)

  9. Our weather has been great too. I only do the GoodReads Challenge each year. I don't want to have to keep track or choose books to fit into certain categories. I've never tried anything by Elin Hilderbrand but have seen her books around a lot lately. Come see what I read last week. Happy reading!

  10. Caught Read Handed looks good- anything with a cat on the cover pulls me in.

  11. The Blue Bistro is on my list. Great picks. Happy Reading!


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