Friday, February 15, 2019

Friendly Fill-Ins - February 15th

This meme is hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and  15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Another fun week of fill-ins. Here are my answers to this weeks statements...

1. If it wasn't for my kitties, I would be sad.

2. Fur babies eat breakfast before I do.

3. Email is my preferred method of communication.

4. You can't buy the unconditional love from your fur babies.


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, I enjoyed your answers. Actually, we had almost the same answers for 3 of them. Have a nice weekend. XO

  2. Life without furbabies would just be too weird! I also think that David and I aren't meant to be without them because each time we lose one, Heavenly Father sends several more.

    Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Yes, as I recall, I once told our kids, "If God wants you to have a cat, He will send you a cat". The next morning I found four baby kitties without their mama under the house. We weren't meant to live without these little creatures.

  3. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! As always, I agree 100% with all of your answers. Furbabies bring so much joy into our lives.


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After some careful consideration, I've decided to become an award-free blog. Although I appreciate and am honored by each and every award I've received, your comments and friendship are enough award for me. Thank you all so much for your thoughtfulness.

Due to way too many spam comments, I disabled the Anonymous User comments. We'll see if this works, otherwise I'll have to go back to word verification.