Friday, March 21, 2025

Feline Friday and Friendly Fill-Ins -March 21st

This meme is hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and  15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Another fun friendly fill in Friday!

Here are my answers to this week's fill ins...    

1. Chocolate is my kryptonite. (I love all kinds of chocolate, but it's not very good for my weight.)

2. Receipts of an item I want to return is the thing I misplace the most often. (I always have receipts for everything except what I want to return.)

3. After meeting my future husband's cat was when I realized I wanted to be a cat mom.  I had dogs growing up, and I still love dogs, but cats are my babies now.

4. I wish I had learned to order cat food and litter online sooner.  (It's so much easier to order online than have to lug everything from the car.)

This week we are participating in Feline Friday, as well as Friendly Fill-Ins. This is a fun meme is now hosted by Messymimi's Meanderings. It's a great meme to share all the kitty fun. 

Flashback:  Kit does like to get her rest!

Happy Friday!


  1. Kit is so darn cute. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. It is funny how we both became cat lovers because of our husbands. :)

  2. Sleepy kitty. :) Happy Feline Friday! :)

  3. Receipts do tend to disappear as soon as you need them.

    Happy napping, Kit! Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday.

  4. I get any receipts I can emailed to me so that I have them if I need to return something. Most clothing stores will do that so it’s worked out well. Chewy is our friend. Although I do feel bad for the delivery person who has to bring us the heavy boxes of liter.

  5. Kit is very cute. I always copy any receipts I want to keep and save them on the computer.


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