Friday, September 11, 2020

Friendly Fill-Ins - September 11th

This meme is hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and  15andmeowing. Each week they will post four fill-in statements.

Another fun friendly fill in Friday!

Here are my fill in answers for this week...

1. I wish I had been alive during the 1950's.  I was born at the end but I love the music and the TV shows.

2. My favorite way to have apples is in a pie.  Mmmm...I love apple pie and even the smell of it.

3. I was sad to find out that people are getting nastier by the minute on social media.  Very sad that people attack each other over everything.

4. Cooking isn't rocket science, but yet I never seem to do it :)  I much prefer take out :)


  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I prefer takeout too. And I try to avoid social media, it is too sad and mean. Have a nice weekend. XO

  2. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! My dad loves apple pie, and he often asks if I'll make him one. I probably make an apple pie nearly once a month. He always eats his warm and with vanilla ice cream. I hope your week is going wonderfully!


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